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# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 09:59pm
it has been so long since I felt I could connect with my small cabin family. A bit over a year ago I became quite ill. Treatment was over by spring bring us right to cabin season. By summer I was feeling more myself and as we finished our little house, we spent the summer with me relaxing and enjoying our family, the ocean, the beach and the forest. We met more of our neighbours while sitting on the beach and I was grateful for the recuperation.
In August my parents came up to visit and stayed at a house near our cabin that was for sale. We had the main site cleared on our property and wood being milled to start our own build, but out of love for us and concern for me, they gave us an early inheritance to buy the home that was mainly complete. This was the good part of the summer.
We noticed that our one neighbour was just not himself....he started to concern us as his behaviour had become more erratic, he was losing weight and he was not looking well. On thanksgiving I spent quite a bit of time with him and realized he was suffering from paranoid delusions and I had concerns for his mental well being, though I had no idea how bad it was going to get. I called mental health and a number of Health care services to no avail as I am not a direct relative. How do you explain that a draft dodger from the Vietnam war living on the side of a mountain has no relatives available to support him.
A couple of the other residents were going in and out to check on him so I went to visit family in ny. While away I had an urgent call that he had burned the small boat we had at the cabin as we were with the CIA and poisoning the elk. We called the RCMP, but they declined to investigate and recommended small claims court.
2 weeks ago we returned to our cabin as he was being held in jail for trying to shoot another neighbour and finally the police responded. The ok news is that our cabin still stands. The heartbreak is that all contents except the beds and curtains were taken to the fire pit and burned, solar array cut to pieces, everything else gone. Over 17k in damages financially and our heart and soul of effort.
So with no guarantee with the outcome of the police action or trial, we have boarded up the cabin and will not return this year or.....I am not even sure I could feel safe after. My parents support us looking for somewhere else, and my dear husband wants us to look for a new place to have a happy ending. So I guess we will take our learnings and perhaps apply them somewhere else if there is somewhere else I can find, peace, trees, seals, beach and our paradise. The dining area after
|  Bedrooms after
|  Kitchen after
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# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 10:07pm
Your place is beautiful. I am so sorry this happened to you and your family. Dealing with mentally ill people can be hard and it sickens me that no response is made to help them until they have done something terrible... I know this from first hand experience with a family member. Don't give up on your peace, I hope you find it again soon....
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 11:29am
that is heartbreaking on so many levels . . . ugh! I am sorry you are dealing with this. . .
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 11:40am
OMG...... Nicalisa.... im so so sorry. This is so tragic. I hope things settle down and you can once again feel safe in a beautiful place. Dont give up ! Lisa
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 12:21pm - Edited by: hattie
I am so sorry to read about all that you have gone through and now this.
There are so many mentally ill people around and unfortunately more remote areas are a real attraction to them. I understand your kindness to want to help the man and I commend you for trying; but unfortunately in today's world it is best to keep to yourself. I have learned this from experience living in a small, slightly remote community. As my husband says, "no good deed goes unpunished." My new attitude is: be kind to everyone but don't trust anyone.
There are ways to keep your property protected - metal doors, Lexan plastic (polycarbonate) on windows and really good locks on the doors. I hope you had insurance to help you recoup some of the material loss.
We live in a different world now and this is very sad, but I truly hope you will not let this shatter your dreams.
Sending you {{hugs}}
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 07:39pm
I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you and your family.
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 07:52pm
Don't know what to say. What can one say to this? But I feel for you and I'm sure everyone here wishes you the best. I hope you can recover and be stronger.
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 08:30pm
My heart goes out to you and your family and I hope your dreams all come true. Keep in touch with us in your journey.
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 09:07pm
Quoting: nicalisa feeling more myself Glad to hear this . hope the other thing clears up. There are, some new laws to deal with mental illness ,hear in Ont..
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 10:53pm
Oh, how awful!!!!! I am so sorry! I do hope you find your place, safety, and cabin happiness!
# Posted: 4 Feb 2015 10:41am
Completely heartbreaking Nicalisa So, so sorry.
Move slowly ahead and follow your heart.....also take care of yourself first....you need to be as healthy as possible. Stay strong!
# Posted: 4 Feb 2015 01:00pm
nicalisa, all the best.
if you decide to stay, you will prevail. i'll bet you get some help from the neighbors too.
As Just points out, there are laws in Ontario; New anti-harassment legislation for instance. Is there something similar where you are?
btw: I really like your tile work. you are the queen.