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# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 07:44am
Have you or are you stuck at some point in your building of your cabin/getaway? I don't know if it's the winter weather or just the point I am at in the build but I feel I am stuck. I think I am ready to close up the walls on the inside with tougue and grove pine. All electrical, insulation, and plumbing venting done so I think I'm good there. I hope I didn't forget anything in the walls. I don't have the t & g bought yet which is going to be a big chunk of cash. We usually make a weekly trip of about 120 miles round trip to work on something but we have skipped a few weekends lately. Also, it never seems we get as much done as we thought we should.
Sorry for the rant and thanks for listening. Maybe it's the Monday morning post super bowl blues. I really don't understand why they didn't just run the ball.
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 08:18am - Edited by: Wilbour
I spend most of this time doing research. The more time I have to think, the better my plans turn out.
It has been a long winter though.
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 09:14am
You've got the pioneer spirit, Grover. If you think about it, you knew there was going to be hard times both physically and mentally. Keep your eye on the prize, and don't beat yourself up for what you get or don't get done. Whatever you accomplish is one step towards your dream.
Here's my prescription. Get a video of that guy building and living in his cabin up north. It was probably filmed in the 50's and is in black and white. I watched it on public television once. It's an inspiration and a good activity if you are stuck somewhere with cabin fever. He just kept plugging away. Hope someone can provide a link.
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 09:39am
Hang in there Grover, I think we all go through "The Funk" at least a couple of times...
I know I certainly have but I always stop and step back from it when I am feeling overwhelmed or stressed when things aren't go so good or not going the way I wanted. Then I look at it and say to myself, for every rock I move it's one more I won't have to, or every board I nail into place is another one done and another step forward.
I got "The Funk" really bad when I had to bury the water line trench (3' wide, 6' deep) and I looked at the "Mountains of dirt" and boulders that weigh twice + what I do and I started chanting one more shovelful in is one more shovelful I don't have to do again... and guess what, by end of day one it was half done, day two all done...
As soon as you start putting on the T&G and seeing it taking shape, you'll start smiling and envisioning yourself enjoying the place and the hard work you put into it.
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 10:11am
Sometimes you just have to go down and set up a hammock and enjoy the property and not do any work for a weekend.
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 10:28am
Quoting: Ruggles Sometimes you just have to go down and set up a hammock and enjoy the property and not do any work for a weekend. Tried that
tools/wood too close at hand
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 10:30am
They should have run the ball and let Lynch win the game. dagnabit.
but, it is what it is.
and just think, it's -30 with wind chill where I am. The snow is whipping past the window. I've shoveled snow off the front porch twice in the last two hours and you can't tell. I froze my fingers walking for 100 feet with insulated gloves on.
things could be worse. lol.
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 10:40am
dang -30
40°F at the cabin today.....unreal. It was -37 same time last year.
ever day sumpm different
gotta love it
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 10:46am
something I put together a while back (sorry, Grover, if you consider this off topic, but I think it may pertain)
Ever notice how long it takes to make toast? About the same amount of time it takes water to boil. It can seem a mini eon
'Cause, if that's the only thing you are waiting for, the time shuffles by rather slowly, don't it.
Heh, and if you are in a hurry and you force the lever up, well, that ain't toast.
Making toast
If you are; Stuck (on a project, or problem) Pissed Missing someone
make toast
If you are; Broken hearted In a hurry (to screw things up)
make toast
If you are; Horny
make love, not toast
If you are; Absent minded In a general dither
make toast
Thing is, there's a magical element of elapsed time, not even sure how long that is, but it's a span very necessary to settle the mind. This time cannot be used in other busy forms Most of us are not given to staring blankly into space. However, for some inexplicable reason, if we fixate on making toast, we can easily fall into Zen like states of mind.
And if you are intent on the toast, it's impossible to remain on that squirrel cage you were unable to get off
you end up with
....this can also work to remedy hunger
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 11:23am
Quoting: Gary O Ever notice how long it takes to make toast? No! I was always in a Zen like state. That was great Gary!
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 03:08pm
Quoting: Ruggles Sometimes you just have to go down and set up a hammock and enjoy the property and not do any work for a weekend.
As much as I agree with Gary as well, as it is too hard "not" to do work when there are many things you want to do or finish, I also think it is important to appreciate or enjoy the fruits of your labour, otherwise what is it all about. Although that may look different to everyone, some people putter to relax and unwind, and some people need their hammock time to recharge and refuel our human batteries.
My sister and I went up the other day, our Mother passed away Thursday evening from a long battle with dementia (she was in LTC for many years) and we needed to just spend together time and reflect, and my sister has only been up once before, and she thought our Mom would have liked that for us, so we went up to the cabin/camp and snowshoed the property, took in the wildlife, watched the birds fly around, and enjoyed the silence...well that was until I tried to sled down the driveway and got stuck, which created a lot of wisecracks and laughter.
Although there are many unfinished or unrealized projects that remain on my to do list. and it can be overwhelming to decide what to do next and if that is the right decision, etc....it was just nice to be there and to be on the land and enjoying it for what it is....my version of heaven on earth..lol....and it was nice to share that with my sister, who doesn't get many opportunities to be up at camp and would have been wasted if I tried to busy myself with work, projects or tasks.
All this toast talk has me wanting to make toast...lol..lol.
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 03:26pm
Sorry to hear about your mother mine passed away last year so I know the feeling. I don't have a cabin yet, but plan on it in the next year or so if I can find some property cheap. The toast idea is ok, but what happens if you don't have a toaster as lots of us off-grid people don't. Ever try to make toast on a wood stove or camp fire? usually turns out burnt. I say make a peanut butter sandwich almost takes as long. :P
Peanutbutter and jelly time 
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 04:34pm
Pookie129- Sorry for your lose. It was good that you and your sister got that special time together to reflect and all. So many do not have that cabin/nature space to go to when in the need of solitude.
grover- hang in there. this two shall pass, we have all been there. Preserver through to the other side. You will see the light at the end of the tunnel
Salty Craig
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 04:59pm
grover Dumbest play in Super Bowl history. I'm a fan of neither team.
Salty Craig
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 08:14pm
Even Emmett Smith said it was the stupidest play in the history of football...
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 08:54pm
Well, I'm not smart enough to get into a funk. Too oblivious to it all. I don't even get overwhelmed....just whelmed...maybe. Mostly happy to see the sun rise.
Pookie, I know that loss. Lost my dad last May. If Grover don't mind, I'd like to put down several words about it. Even though this seems an appropriate thread for it, I'll wait for that OK, first.
And yeah, not a Pete Carroll fan, not a Brady fan, not a Sherman fan...but....that was a purty dang good game.
Now if the Packers were playing.......
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 09:17pm
I know how you feel grover,we spent a long time camping on our property before we could build a cabin. After saving for 25 years we were finally able to build a shell,in 2007.
The finishing of our cabin is on a cash basis. We are about 40% done with everything else. The one thing that has really helped me to see the end of the tunnel is a written timeline on the remaining projects. Some years we can't finish them. I don't let that bother me. I figure it's already been 32 years. What's a few more?
Gary O
# Posted: 5 Feb 2015 08:57am
Psst, hey, guys. When yer stuck on a project, and feeling much like the hapless incontinent goober you are, take a gander at what this guy does;
OK, so after viewing, you feel even worse. Yeah, I don't have a typewriter either. Bet Bob Ross couldn't do THAT with his trowel.
# Posted: 5 Feb 2015 11:25am
grover i know the feeling
i bet you are stuck because you arent really sure of the next step which is the trim its final and visible
you can mock up the trim in just one corner and see how it goes, or try different styles mocked up then you can decide easier before buying all the t&g
start by posting a pic of a window or door or your problem area and ask how to trim around it once you get going again it will go fast and give you satisfaction
good for you using wood in your cabin
# Posted: 5 Feb 2015 08:25pm
Quoting: Gary O Tried that can't Dat's funny.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2015 03:03pm
The toast is a really good idea. I have raisin bread....thanks for the suggestion.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2015 07:01pm
Well, I heard a good slant on that play where the Seahawks ran it 10 times during the season when that close. They scored only once and fumbled once. They ran the pass play about the same number and scored 5 times. Belichick ran this play at practice several times until Butler got it right. Anyway, back to the important stuff. I find the best incentive for finishing say a screen porch is the never-ending supply of mosquitoes and black flies.
# Posted: 10 Feb 2015 10:15am
Quoting: beachman Anyway, back to the important stuff. I find the best incentive for finishing say a screen porch is the never-ending supply of mosquitoes and black flies. that should push anyone over the proverbial hump...lol
Scott G
# Posted: 10 Feb 2015 07:47pm
I can relate to the funk. It's been cold here, real cold. -30C and snow up to our belts - armpits in some spots. The last bit of work I did on the cabin was the week between Xmas and NY.
We had planned on spending the last week of Feb in the cabin and my wife actually booked the week off. I still have to finish the soffit, install the front door, insulate, get the chimney in, tile the hearth and install the stove. I have 10-11 days to pull that off...and have to get some dayjob work done. I could steal a bit of time (self employed) but still....a long shot at best.
I did haul my tools (comp. genny, etc...) in via snowshoe and sled this past weekend so I'm ready to rock again. Wish me luck...I might make it. I'd sure be a hero if I did.
- should've ran the ball...for sure.