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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / favorite winter chores
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# Posted: 30 Jan 2015 11:19am

had some snow last night and falling temperatures today (-4 when i got up, -12 and windy now)

so I got up at 6 and started the tractor while it was still "warm."

then, my favorite winter chore, I used the snowblower attachment to blow out 1200 feet of laneway. high winds blew the snow all about. including into my face. white out conditions at times. but still. what a hoot.

i also enjoy chopping wood. mostly for the take off my shirt at the beach attention.

what's your favorite winter chore?

# Posted: 30 Jan 2015 01:03pm

Every morning I do the same chores (all year long). I take out the garbage, recyclables and burnable garbage. If the burn barrel is full, I light it. I take out the compost and put it in the composter. I feed the birds and scoop any dog doodoo in the yard. I don't particularly like the last job (especially in the winter). In the winter I shovel the pathways but we hire a local to do our two driveways with his quad.

My favourite is feeding the birds. They wait for me to come out with the bird seed and peanuts.

# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 05:31am

I like clearing the snow - and then using the steep driveway for tobogganing (I tried using just tire tracks to zip down like luge, but apparently I am too wide, snowsuit and all, for the single tire truck and the whole driveway has to be

Chopping wood, lighting fires

Making paths on the property.......for hiking and walking around...I generally tie the sled and pull it around loaded with wood logs to create paths, dog follows and then we repeat process...

Although they are chores, they don't always feel like

# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 10:37am

Quoting: Pookie129
generally tie the sled and pull it around loaded with wood logs to create paths

i bow in humble amazement. i walked to the main road and back yesterday in preparation for sitting on the couch watching football.

feeding the birds has brought turkey's into the yard this year. i like that too.

# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 01:48pm

Here in Texas I clear brush in the winter. Snakes are gone

# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 02:43pm

Quoting: creeky
i bow in humble amazement. i walked to the main road and back yesterday in preparation for sitting on the couch watching football.

When I say loaded, let me be clear....not fully loaded...a few logs, something that will leave an imprint or indent so it makes walking around easier. Only thing I am training for is my next

I have 11.5 acres and like to hike the land with the dog, plus it borders crown land on 2 sides, so in essence there is 50plus (more realistically over a 100) of immediate access to hiking and walking when we get a lot of snow, making some paths, does help a bit (more likely for the dog).

Are Turkey's as messy as geese? What do you feed your yard birds?

# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 04:59pm

turkey's aren't as bad as geese. mostly 'cause they don't hang around I think. geese'll sit in one spot all day, day after day.

i don't get carried away. Roonie's had a sale on black oil sunflower seed. 50lb bag for 20 bucks. and the birds love it. i could throw out other stuff, but I'm too cheap. and the last bag lasted 3 years. so I'm being more generous this year.

i gotta remember that line, " training for my next meal." ah. makes me laugh.

# Posted: 5 Feb 2015 01:47pm

Quoting: creeky
i gotta remember that line, " training for my next meal." ah. makes me laugh.

3 squares a day - the preparations are endless and completely dictate my schedule and training

# Posted: 5 Feb 2015 02:03pm

Quoting: Pookie129
I have 11.5 acres and like to hike the land with the dog, plus it borders crown land on 2 sides, so in essence there is 50plus (more realistically over a 100) of immediate access to hiking and walking when we get a lot of snow, making some paths, does help a bit (more likely for the dog).

That sounds very much like our property. 11 acres and plenty of crown land over here in Haliburton. So... since we are practically neighbours lol you are welcome to bring your trail making device over this way

BTW Is there a ton of snow there now? Our bunkie is not insulated and the steep driveway makes it pretty much inaccessible if there is too much but I am anxious to head up at least for the day.

# Posted: 5 Feb 2015 02:45pm

no favorates, its just waiting till the spring to start working again.

# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 05:04am

Quoting: LoonWhisperer
That sounds very much like our property. 11 acres and plenty of crown land over here in Haliburton. So... since we are practically neighbours lol you are welcome to bring your trail making device over this way

BTW Is there a ton of snow there now? Our bunkie is not insulated and the steep driveway makes it pretty much inaccessible if there is too much but I am anxious to head up at least for the day.

The trail making device is temperamental.....however, it can be placided with vodka and

Yes, tons of snow....had a bit of a struggle getting down and up the drive way. Fortunately, there is a snowmobile parking lot (lot is a big word for the small parking area but it is parking none the less) about a km down the road, so if I can't get in, I can always park there and just hike it back down the road (after dropping off supplies or stuff at the top of the driveway).

The cabin isn't insulated but the pod is and has generator hook up, with a small heater....and with a couple of gets pretty toasty in there.

I think that we are some of the luckiest people around...Haliburton, Bancroft, the highlands, Algonquin...lots of crown land, not so many people, and some of the most beautiful land in Ontario...nice neighbours, good hunting and fishing too!

They should really have a Small Cabin Summer BBQ gathering or Winter Event at some point....putting all these handy, resourceful and informative people in one place....we might even be able to cure cancer and tackle world right after dinner and some

# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 08:22am

Quoting: Pookie129
They should really have a Small Cabin Summer BBQ gathering or Winter Event at some point....putting all these handy, resourceful and informative people in one place....we might even be able to cure cancer and tackle world right after dinner and some

this is a GREAT idea!!!I know I would attend.

my winter chores are cutting a little camp fire wood, looking for shed antlers, doing a little small game hunting .Going to be 70 degrees this weekend......brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr winter was brutal

# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 12:26pm

Quoting: Pookie129
The trail making device is temperamental.....however, it can be placided with vodka and

Is that a bribe?? I like how you roll (and yes, I can be bought) lol

Great idea on the BBQ, I get the impression there are a number of us in the area. Can we tackle my pond though before we address cancer and world peace? ;)

Thanks for the intel on the snow... it is as I suspected. I may head up tomorrow and see if we can stash the car somewhere. We do have a small woodstove and portable heater... very tempting.


# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 12:27pm

Quoting: turkeyhunter
Going to be 70 degrees this weekend......brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr winter was brutal

That is flat out cruel lol

# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 05:01pm

Quoting: turkeyhunter
looking for shed antlers, doing a little small game hunting .Going to be 70 degrees this weekend......brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr winter was brutal
Mean mean mean Well, we hope you forget to use sunscreen and that you run out of, something we currently don't have to worry about..
Quoting: LoonWhisperer
That is flat out cruel lol
Damn straight it was...them are fightin' words where I come
Quoting: LoonWhisperer

Is that a bribe?? I like how you roll (and yes, I can be bought) lol

Great idea on the BBQ, I get the impression there are a number of us in the area. Can we tackle my pond though before we address cancer and world peace? ;)

I prefer to call it negotiations......bribe feels one

And yes, I think that one of the main administrators of the site and forum is from the area as well, so there does seem to be a lot of people in this part of Ontario - we could start our own Cabins for Humanity program and go around fixing up each other's properties and then celebrating with BBQ's and picnics, the Robin Hood's of the Cabin/Camp living peeps.

# Posted: 7 Feb 2015 10:51am

Favorite winter chore? That's easy.
Getting to the cabin.

Truck handles up to one foot of snow but after that it gets iffy.
One small sharp hill deep in the woods with a narrow bridge at bottom. Miss it and you're in the drink.

Truth be known. I always make it to the cabin. Its the leaving I plan to get stuck.

# Posted: 10 Feb 2015 09:50am

Feeding and watering the critters.2 horses,17 chickens,100 wild birds.They are always so glad to see me coming out of the cabin first thing in the morning. as well as I am them,too.

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