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# Posted: 28 Sep 2014 06:55pm
Have any of you guys experienced this? The wife knows me too well! She knows that once the cabin build begins...all other projects are on hold! So....I have been informed that our downstairs remodel (AT HOME) will be completed before any thoughts of a cabin build become reality! Started yesterday, ripped up carpet, spackled nail holes and dings in the drywall, picked up 700 sq ft of 5.5mm vinyl plank flooring, sanded the walls, removed the 3.4 trillion staples that held carpet to the stairs, spackled the nail holes and dings that I missed the first time and found while sanding, sat down for a cold beer and a fine cigar to admire my accomplishments and the remodel Nazi forced me back to work before I could pop the top on beer #2. Day 2....more sanding, and began removing the drop-in ceiling panels on the perimeter, taped off the edge ceiling grid. At this point I was allowed a miniscule breakfast consisting of a fried egg and cheese sandwich and a cup of coffee, and allotted 5 minutes to play with the dogs and a chance at bathroom privileges. Now, 11 hours into day 2, with the hot tub in plain view from this project, I've been told that I may soak my 54 year old bones and worn out muscles in 103 degree water for several hours. Bless her heart!
# Posted: 28 Sep 2014 07:21pm
Did she remove the shackles first?
# Posted: 28 Sep 2014 07:31pm
Quoting: bldginsp Did she remove the shackles first?
No, but she offered salve for the sores...LOL!
# Posted: 28 Sep 2014 08:13pm
I've been doing "a few things around the house" for 37 years. I'm still not finished.
# Posted: 28 Sep 2014 09:09pm
keep her away from HGTV and pintrest!!! that evens gives then more idea's for YOU to do...
# Posted: 29 Sep 2014 07:21am
let's truely hope not, but you wife may have come down with a case of Okayouthinksorinosis. This not so rare pschycological disorder is brought about usually in the environment of a spouse engaging in repeated and frequent procrastination. Symptoms can be deep glaring of the eyes. Sudden verbal reactions during procrastination. Uncontrollable mocking of the procrastinator. And frequent spouse belittling in front of others.
# Posted: 29 Sep 2014 06:50pm
Day 3.....left work early (I own the place)...and got a head start on the final sanding and began painting. Looks great...but she says it needs a second coat. I hand her the roller . I'm actually looking forward to putting down the new flooring. We're doing vinyl plank, 5.5mm waterproof stuff directly over concrete. We have Boxer dogs, and this stuff is supposed to be good. If we like it....it'll probably be what we install in the 1st floor of the cabin build. We chose "Rustic Hickory" mainly because it has embossed "texture" (as it dents and dings) and a low sheen. Not slick as glass like the laminate flooring we put upstairs.
# Posted: 29 Sep 2014 08:19pm - Edited by: bldginsp
Handing your wife the roller after she says it needs another coat is a very, very risky move. Did you duck in time? 
# Posted: 29 Sep 2014 09:10pm
Quoting: bldginsp Did you duck in time?
LOL!...yep...just a little paint in the hair.
# Posted: 30 Sep 2014 09:06am
My wife is my biggest helper. Most of her suggestions are unorthodox but they do work. When you need help you have to roll with the punches.
# Posted: 17 Oct 2014 04:13pm
You guys are funny and Turkeyhunter you are soooo right about Pinterest.
Word to the wise......it takes huge balls to stand up to someone who outweighs you by 100 pounds and towers over you by at least a foot. We women are nuts and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Sure way to get some "appreciation"? Go outside and pick a handful of flowers and tell her she's beautiful. Takes 5 minutes and doesn't cost a dime.
# Posted: 18 Oct 2014 08:46am
I remember one day walking a pattern out in the snow with my girlfriend and saying this is the left wall,right wall,ect...this is the wood stove,this is the bathroom,the tub,toilet,the porch,kitchen,fireplace,windows,doors,,,.Her response "your nuts"Then another time when we were standing inside the empty shell of 4 walls and the roof with her handing me the nails one at a time.Her response "your nuts"Yet again another time when we cooked up a most fabulous turkey dinner at Thanksgiven in the wood cook stove.Her response "your nuts"And now 4 years later all toasty and warm sitting infront of the fire place sipping on a glass of wine enjoying the fire and the quiet music and her response "I'm glad your nuts!"
# Posted: 18 Oct 2014 05:45pm - Edited by: Popeye
Rayyy - Your girlfriend sure likes talking about your nuts! I DO NOT want to know how she finished the last comment! LOL!
I know you intended to type "you're" instead of "your", but that typo made my day! Thanks for the laugh!
# Posted: 19 Oct 2014 09:30am
Lol,good point,popeye