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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Mini Split Heaters
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# Posted: 7 May 2014 01:39pm - Edited by: yankeesouth

Anybody use a mini split heater?

I have been doing more reading about the unpredictable hazards of gas/propane heaters and quite frankly seeing that story about the family in PA scared the hell out of me. I have used propane to take off the initial chill but sometimes I admittedly let it run longer than I should. I was wondering is anyone has installed or uses a mini split unit? I have seen some under or around $400.00 that heat anywhere between 800-1200sqf. My cabin is drafty.....wondering if something like a mini split would work for some quick heat?

I tried to post a screenshot but it didn't work....sorry!

# Posted: 7 May 2014 06:48pm

I don't think split system heat pumps are going to deliver quick heat. They heat gradually and consistently, and do best in well insulated spaces that are tight to leakage, where the system can gradually bring the temp up and maintain it. With some you can turn it on with your cel phone so if you need the cabin warm by the time you get there, just make the call early enough.

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