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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Land use designation in the United States
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# Posted: 25 Jan 2010 11:32am - Edited by: ShortNap

Hi All,

I came across this website looking for some off-grid living ideas and I liked almost everything I read here - lots of useful info and interesting links! I live in the Czech Republic, Europe. Four years ago I bought a small (about 300 sq. ft with an attic) off-grid 1940s cabin built in a forest dell (I am enclosing a couple of pictures). Since then I try to spend as much time as possible there, dallying with an idea of making it my home one day... but that would be another (and long) story.

What I want to ask you folks living in the U. S. is the following: Reading this website (and various homesteading-related websites as well) gives me an impression that if you own a piece of land in the U. S., it is entirely up to your decision (with no authorities interfering) whether you would plant vegetables there, use it as a garden, make it a sheep pasture, build a house there or lie it out and let it overgrow with four feet of weeds. Is it really that simple? I understand you need a permit to build a house, but other than that, is it generally allowed to build a house on ANY plot? Just curious...

Kind regards,
My cabin above the creek
My cabin above the creek
At the porch
At the porch

# Posted: 25 Jan 2010 01:25pm

Beautiful. Welcome!

There are rules here too, but its pretty simple. Rual areas are easier to build, garden etc. Most cities and communities have rules about building, livestock etc.


# Posted: 26 Jan 2010 02:30pm - Edited by: ShortNap

Thank you, Steve!


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