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# Posted: 7 Jan 2010 12:38am
Kind of like a list of homeowner's must have tools and gadgets but for the cabin dweller. Add as many as you can think of but not things that would only be used several times a year and would just take up cabin space
-Generator -Solar Panels (if going off-grid) -A good 16oz hammer
# Posted: 7 Jan 2010 01:01am
-Shovel -Ax -Bucket -Extension cord for generator -Solar shower -Water jug/can
# Posted: 7 Jan 2010 02:24pm
-Book to read when it is raining/snowing too hard -Come-a-long or little mule -Chain -Chainsaw -Leatherman
# Posted: 7 Jan 2010 05:54pm
I guess it depends on what you are going to be doing. I keep a job box at my place stocked with basic carpentry tools, supplies like nails, screws, plumbing repair parts, etc. I also keep a chain saw, axe, wedges, table saw, generator, battery charger, jumper cables, and compressor. I have a back hoe that I keep there and it comes in handy as does a spare funky atv and 45 willys jeep.
I keep an old Winchester 94 and an old Iver Johnson shot gun and some ammo as well as cases of shot gun shells in various gauges ( I am a quail hunter).
I have a two burner propane stove and two tanks for it. I also have a wood burner. Of course a couple of dutch ovens and cast iron cookware. I keep a good supply of food there since roads can get washed out with little notice during the monsoon season.
I use coleman dual fuel lanterns for lighting so I keep some gas and mantles handy as well as matches and throw away lighters.
I keep a good supply of batteries and a multi band radio. I also have a sat phone since cell phones don't work out there.
The cabin is always stocked wiith warm bedding, extra clothes and several spare coats.
I have a 50 cal ammo box that is my first aid kit. I painted a white circle with a red cross on both sides so everyone knows what it is. It is always in plain sight. Who knows it may be me that needs the help so I want everyone to kow what it is and where it is.
I even have a little cast iron lawn jockey so I have someone to talk to. He is a quiet fellow.
# Posted: 7 Jan 2010 08:51pm
Quoting: lawnjocky I keep a job box at my place stocked with basic carpentry tools, supplies like nails, screws, plumbing repair parts, etc.
You have plumbing in your cabin?!
# Posted: 7 Jan 2010 09:31pm
Several BBQ lighters meat cleaver Hand pump for water some of the above Two way razor limb saw attached to an axe handle compfy pillow Gloves Coffee pot with coffee in it.
# Posted: 7 Jan 2010 09:40pm
Tool box full of basic tools Extra water Wine, beer and whiskey (in case of emergencies of course:-) Cards, dice, etc... Shovels, rakes, hoes.. Nails, screws, fasteners, etc... Pair of cowboy boots Hatchet beef Jerky
# Posted: 8 Jan 2010 06:59am
I have a 500 gal tank up the hill so there is a gravity water supply and outdoor shower. Even though I shut the valve off at the tank and drain the system it requires repair at times. I would rather stock a few fitting and a couple of unopened cans of pvc cement than have a problem 25 miles from town.
# Posted: 8 Jan 2010 01:17pm
A space heater for the outhouse in -40C
# Posted: 8 Jan 2010 02:44pm
Or at least an electric toilet seat.
A small solar panel and storage battery completes the system.