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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Trees in south east idaho
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mt mike
# Posted: 2 Dec 2012 01:41pm

Looking for source for trees to plant on my property in south east idaho

# Posted: 2 Dec 2012 01:55pm

County Extension Dept. in your area is a place to start. I have done this in the area I live and tree's are 1.50 or so for one tree. This would be another option for you. It may be an AG service you have in the County or State you are from. This is the time of year to see if they have a program. I have ordered about this time of year when I did it.

# Posted: 2 Dec 2012 02:51pm

Your state nursery will probably be your least expensive place to purchase trees. The extension dept. neb mentioned will have the info, or you can find it on Google

mt mike
# Posted: 2 Dec 2012 03:22pm

Found the university of idaho website very usefull and trees are $2 each but am not sure which kind to order? Quaken aspen,juniper and lodge pole pine seem to be the most hearty choices

# Posted: 2 Dec 2012 05:29pm

After seeing the forest fires in South East Idaho this past summer, am amazed you have any!

# Posted: 2 Dec 2012 06:18pm

When I was 12 my dad bought trees from the local state nursery, 220,000 red , scotch , blue spruce and white spruce. All for $.04 each. After they were in the ground the state had a look and if they were done right we got three cents a tree back. Now I sell each tree for a $100, fallen and limbed on a landing, although after thinning a few times I don't think I have a forth left. It always shocks me how much they have grown, 80' tall and 16'' diameter at the stump.

just one log
just one log

# Posted: 2 Dec 2012 08:30pm

Quoting: mt mike
Found the university of idaho website very usefull and trees are $2 each but am not sure which kind to order? Quaken aspen,juniper and lodge pole pine seem to be the most hearty choices

Mike, I think the lodgepole pines are the norm for the mountains in that region and the quaking aspens are usually in draws with lots of moist soil (water)

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