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# Posted: 4 Sep 2012 07:36pm
Is there anyone in the Williamstown/Camden area of NY that would be willing to volunteer a little bit of time between the 14th and the 21st to help some newbs? We'll be up at our site building during that time, but nearly all of our help has bailed. It's pretty much just me, the husband, and his elderly parents at this point. A few other friends are going to give us a day or two, but mostly towards the beginning of the build, with no help in the middle or towards the end of the week. And did I mention we're clueless newbs? For your generously donated time, you will earn:
1) Our eternal gratitude. 2) The knowledge that you've helped a young couple get a start on their homestead. 3) Free food.
Any takers? You can e-mail me at tsjuster@yahoo.com if you're available, or know anyone who might be.
# Posted: 4 Sep 2012 07:46pm
Wish we were in your area, Homemaker. We would love to help just for the experience.
Unfortunately, we are in Nebraska this month.
Good luck with your construction!
# Posted: 4 Sep 2012 08:42pm
email me. dk6365@yahoo..com
# Posted: 4 Sep 2012 09:33pm
Just e-mailed you.
# Posted: 6 Sep 2012 09:32pm
No takers yet for this trip.
# Posted: 7 Sep 2012 10:45am
Hopeful, dropped you an email with a thought...
# Posted: 7 Sep 2012 04:57pm
I hired a pro for $40 per hour. We had a dried in shell in 9 days. Includes doors and windows. He worked only 6 hours per day. He was up in years, said he wasnt much good after hour #6. I fed him too, we camped on site, I tok care of everything, food, store runs, laundromat, cooking. He must of thought he was at the Ritz. Steak dinners, good food. He took careful note and was so meticulous on plumb level and square. Near the end, it all paid off. I learned so much from those 9 days. I can do a full home now on my own. In fact, I have purchased every air rool for every type of nail made plus a pair of palm nailers, table saws, router, worm drive skil saw, belt sander, roto zip, plums laser levels. When I load my tools up, I look like a building contractor and I'm actually an auto mechanic at a dealer. 
Hopefully, you find some help. If you lived closer I'd come up to be able to just bark orders. Be fun. 
Anyway, the money I paid him was well worth it.
# Posted: 8 Sep 2012 09:02pm
VT, I got the e-mail and appreciate that you sent it. Unfortunately that plan won't work for us. That was one of our first plans, and we even priced out prefabs with a few local builders. In the end, building our own turned out to be our only viable option. We'll make it work, but it's going to be rough with so few helpers.
# Posted: 19 Oct 2012 03:39am
I wish I was closer just for the expeance. Having helped build a couple of friends places. I don't know everything but I have gone through the mistakes others have made. Good luck on the build!