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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Hi from Australia
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# Posted: 29 May 2012 04:54am

Hi everyone!

I just thought I'd introduce myself since I'm new here. I currently live in the suburbs of a major city but am completely sick of the inconsiderate people, overcrowding (houses built 15 feet from each other or less), pollution, traffic, government idiocy, and lack of freedom.

I desperately want to move to a rural area, build a cabin, find Miss Right, have a family, and live a nice life full of fresh air, home-grown food, and some good old-fashioned outdoor fun. I can't imagine living in a little box next to a zillion other little boxes, where everyone hides from other people so they can watch TV in between cramming the highways to go to a job just to buy more plastic junk.

I hope to start with an affordable block of land somewhere, build a little cabin, get some food growing, and maybe find a part-time job. I'm starting off from meagre beginnings, but that's not deterring me. I've worked very hard for the achievements I've made so far, and now I have some momentum, I just need to convert it into lots of dollars to buy the land and start building!

A friend of mine moved into his new house a few years back and described his house's proximity to his neighbour's house (about 4 feet) thusly: "It's bad enough when you can hear your neighbour fart, but when you can smell it..." That ain't the life for me... no way.

Give me fresh air, dirt, and hard work and I'll show you my idea of freedom


# Posted: 29 May 2012 09:46am

You seem like you get it. Good luck with you endevors. Get that pc. of land and your head will have a place to go long before the cabin is built.


# Posted: 29 May 2012 10:52am

Welcome to the forum.

Good luck beginning your adventure. Think small and simple - you don't need a large home to be happy. It is surprising how little money you really need to survive when you don't "buy" into mall hopping and new gadgets. Producing your own food will definitely save you money and keep you healthy.

Keep us posted on your progress.

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