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# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 10:35am
This year spring doesn't effect me like it does most years becuase of the great winter we had. With little snow and great tempatures all winter long it was spring all winter for me. It seems like without the 4 seasons I just can't get as fired up about this time of year. I will be looking forward to the flowering and start of growth and things like that. Have a great spring.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 12:08pm
-8 celcius here this morning. Winter is still upon us. The sun has been shining though and the snow is slowly melting (better than melting all at once I suppose. )
I agree with you neb that there is nothing like 4 seasons. When I moved to BC we lived in the lower mainland and there wasn't much of a winter and LOTS of rain. I needed 4 seasons and that is one of the many things that appealed to me where we live now. The fall isn't as spectacular as in Ontario where they get the flourescent reds from the sumacs but we do get some really nice yellows from the aspens. I love the snow (just a bit too much of it for my liking this year though). I always look at winter as a time to rest and replenish my energy for the coming spring. There is something revitalizing about the spring. I can't wait until we start to see bulbs coming up (and deer promptly eating them *LOL*) and can leave the windows wide open for the fresh air. The first rite of spring is hanging the laundry outside on the line. Oh how I am waiting for that!!!
# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 01:25pm
Quoting: hattie I love the snow (just a bit too much of it for my liking this year though). I always look at winter as a time to rest and replenish my energy for the coming spring. There is something revitalizing about the spring. I can't wait until we start to see bulbs coming up (and deer promptly eating them *LOL*) and can leave the windows wide open for the fresh air. The first rite of spring is hanging the laundry outside on the line. Oh how I am waiting for that!!!
So true and you could not of said it better. With no snow here this year and fall and spring time temps I did miss that time of year. It was nice to have such a great winter after 3 very bad winters here. (time to rest and replenish my energy for the coming spring) I like how you said that and it is so true.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 02:06pm
After 30 years of living through Manitoba winters we absolutely love our winters here in NM. At the house there is hardly ever any snow and with that comes no need to have to deal with all the everyday winter driving things we had back home for months on end. Temperature freeze overnight Dec thru Feb, but daytime temps seldom have you needing the real winter jackets and boots...... If we want to see snow, snowshoe or X-C ski all we have to do is drive an hour and a half.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 04:16pm
Last year here in Wisconsin we had TONS of snow and although many people really longed for spring and started getting WAY grumpy about it I was perfectly content with winter hanging on.
This year we barely had any snow and what we did manage to get here at home was always more of a "nuisance" because it was more of a dusting here and there and never was able to really accumulate. I COULD NOT WAIT FOR SPRING!!!!
I definitely love having 4 seasons (although spring around here is not nearly as pretty as many other states) But I feel like if we have to endure all the cold temps there better be plenty of snow to play in!!! When there is a lack of snow it is kinda like "what's the point of suffering through the freezing temps...might as well go someplace warmer!!"
Hattie....when do warmer temps historically head your way? Also snow is usually gone by what month? Are you typical for this year, just tired of it or is the snow hanging on way longer than usual?
# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 04:54pm
Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes..... Bugs (not cold enough this winter)
# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 06:47pm
Quoting: trollbridge Hattie....when do warmer temps historically head your way? Also snow is usually gone by what month? Are you typical for this year, just tired of it or is the snow hanging on way longer than usual?
Normally the snow is gone by April so I guess I can't really complain. I think it is just hearing about the warm weather everywhere else it has me itching for spring (hehehe....'scuse the pun ErinsMom). Also because Bob can't help shovel, I just found it a bit much this year and having to drive in the snow was a bit much too. *S* complain....complain....complain....*S* I think I'm normally restless this time of year because spring is soooo close, but just not quite here yet. *S*
# Posted: 25 Mar 2012 09:33pm
Quoting: hattie has me itching for spring (hehehe....'scuse the pun ErinsMom) LOL...good one Hattie!!! Sorry ErinsMom
Do you do all your shoveling by hand? No snowblower or plow? You may have to get yourself one for next year!
Look on the bright side...April is just around the corner so it should not be much longer. Keep dreamin and you'll have the fresh warm air blowin through your windows and you'll hear the breeze rustling the bed sheets on the clothesline in no time
# Posted: 26 Mar 2012 01:20am - Edited by: TomChum
Well, we went on a great 'Spring" snowmobile ride today. It was warm and even sunny at times.
Here is a pic of a Forest Service Log Cabin (Blue reek ranger cabin at Mad Lake) As you can see there is still a lot of snow in the Cascade mountains! FS Cabin at Mad Lake
|  Blue Creek ranger cabin
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# Posted: 26 Mar 2012 08:40am
I bought the cabin while there was snow on the ground and now that it has melted, there are a lot of trees that are down from heavy snow this winter and the past owners left a lot of trash. I think it will take most of the summer cleaning up the property. It will be a yr of good outside work for me!! 
# Posted: 26 Mar 2012 10:01am
Wow TomChum......that is an impressive amount of snow! Those spring rides are fun cause it is so much warmer....I miss snowmobiling.
jc812....Never quite know what you may find under all the snow huh? Your downed trees will be good firewood though!
# Posted: 26 Mar 2012 11:11am
NASA photos show a lot less snow in 2012 than 2011 Snow March 2011 .vs. 2012
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# Posted: 27 Mar 2012 01:23pm
 It's OFFICIAL!!! SPRING IS HERE!!!! 7 geese flew overhead this morning as I was out doing my chores. I was so happy, I cried!! YEAH!!!!! SPRING IS SPRUNG!!!!!!! 
# Posted: 27 Mar 2012 02:40pm
Yikes! Look at Montana in Tom's picture. That looks like trouble during wildfire season.
To this thread's end, I saw my 1st robin today, but we're still going skiing this weekend. I guess we will continue to live double lives for a while.
# Posted: 27 Mar 2012 11:40pm - Edited by: Malamute
I love spring. Winters have been a bit longer than I care for recently, not that they're bad, I just don't enjoy winter as much as I used to.
This time of year is one of my favorites for going up on the mountain. Few people, the roads haven't melted out very far yet, nor have they started plowing them open over the high passes. Lots of deep snow in places (was just up there and sunk to my hip a few times), with bare patches here and there. Fun to walk in the woods this time of year. Bears (grizzlies) are starting to come out, so the lighter winter guns get left home, and the heavier stuff gets taken along. Snakes are starting to come out in the lower elevations. Need to keep your eyes open for them. The new dog isn't snake smart, shes never had any adventures. Will have to keep an eye on her to be sure she doesn't get too curious about a snake when she sees one.
# Posted: 27 Mar 2012 11:51pm
Yep as warm as it has been the rattlers have been out some for sure. I have been up on those south facing slopes but have not seen or heard one yet but it won't be long.
# Posted: 28 Mar 2012 01:21pm
Here in the Western side of the Pacific Northwest the winter is having a hard time letting go even in the lowlands. The Crocus have broke ground but are holding off blooming, a lot of stuff is budded but not in bloom, the Trilliums and Bleeding hearts are going strong but my indicator for Spring really arriving is the Swallow's which still have not arrived and I suspect it is just too cold. Over the past ten years the winters have been dragging on longer and longer, typically now into the first half of April, but I have no gripes as Winter is my favorite time!
# Posted: 29 Mar 2012 09:53pm
Quoting: hattie 7 geese flew overhead this morning as I was out doing my chores. Ecstatic for you Hattie!!!! I noticed they all left the river here-sure they are humbly honkin while heading home to see happy Hattie and healthy hubby!!!