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# Posted: 23 Jan 2015 08:57pm
I'm here because I love a good adventure. My brother and I are building a remote cabin on the backside of a local ski mountain. It is a small 8x8 shack that we are going to sleep over in the night before a storm so we can be the first ones on the mountain in the morning. So I'm building my cabin for the sweet first tracks powder skiing, and for the fun of building a cabin out of what we can find and pack in a three mile hike.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2015 12:32pm
I love the op's explanation why he's here,, pretty much sums it up for a lot of us. I'm here to gain/pass along knowledge as I am preparing to head for the woods in my off grid camper/cabin. A new life is taking form for me real soon, and I want to be as prepared as humanly possible
# Posted: 28 Mar 2015 10:06pm - Edited by: bukhntr
I'm here because of my love of the outdoors and sharing it with family and friends. My grandparents on my mothers side had a cabin during her childhood. The stories had my attention from my childhood. Though I never set foot there I could imagine the sights and smells and times spent with family that is no longer here. I hope to keep our little place and pass it on to our children to enjoy with the next generation. I enjoy this website for the fact most cabins are pretty low key builds which is what we planned for our property since running water and electricity are too expensive to get to our site. Thought I would share some pics that set me on my path. They are of my late grandparents, with his brother and wife and a cousin of my mothers still with us. grandma and aunt
|  grandpa and his brother
|  moms uncle
|  moms cousin
# Posted: 29 Mar 2015 05:45am
Quoting: bukhntr Thought I would share some pics
those are GREAT pic's of your famlily
nice wooden boat and outboard motor
when I grew up Daddy and my Uncle kept their wooden boat in the river all the time...it stayed watertight....but if you took it out to dry..cracks everywhere. My job when we got to the boat/campsite was to dip the rain water out of boat with a coffee can.
Ace Cannon
# Posted: 23 Apr 2015 11:52am
I am building an off grid cabin 20x28 in Ala. and I am enjoying this web site. Thanks...JAC
# Posted: 28 Apr 2015 12:05pm
I am here for this.
# Posted: 28 Apr 2015 01:31pm - Edited by: FishSeeker
I'm here because I love to read how others are enjoying their cabins and you can also get some great ideas. My wife and I bought our off grid cabin last year next to a piece of property we've owned for a couple years that we have a 28' trailer on but didn't use during the winter. Now with the cabin we go up year round. It's 90 miles from my house on the Cascade River outside Marblemount, Washington. I've got the river 100 feet away plus a year round creek with a nice little beach. I've got salmon and steelhead spawning on my property and great fishing for rainbow trout. We spend at least 2 weekends a month up there and will have a couple weeks vacation during the summer. We use it to get away from the rat race of the city and enjoy having friends and family come up and enjoy it with us. Fires in the pit, food on the barby and some adult beverages..... it's good for the soul.
I don't have solar because our power needs are not that great so I power with 8-6volt batteries I charge with my genny plus the cabin is wired for the genny and I also have gas lights and all my appliances are gas. I just go into a completely different zone when I go up there. I keep 3 ATV's up there for people to ride up the trails and get some great views of the mountains and the valley below. I hope you all are enjoying your cabin life as much as we are.
# Posted: 4 May 2015 12:03am
I want to avoid being beat by the bank. I want a lifestyle that isn't built around paying mortgage and interest to the banks.
Off grid isn't in my current plans but not having a huge mortgage is.
wish me luck 
Jason Markin
# Posted: 14 May 2015 02:25am
Hey Guys!
There are numerous members sharing their ideas, views on cabins and off-topics. I am fond of design build something creative with shipping containers.
So, in my view it is the right place to learn a lot from all.
# Posted: 25 Jul 2015 12:53pm
I want to learn other peoples mistakes before I commit one
# Posted: 25 Jul 2015 11:50pm - Edited by: littlehouseontheprarie
I just want a simpler life.
# Posted: 26 Jul 2015 01:24pm
Quoting: littlehouseontheprarie I just want a simper life.
# Posted: 21 Aug 2015 11:27am
I've lived off grid nearly my entire adult life. Even as an electrical engineer in the telecommunications industry, I chose to live way out of town as remote as possible. Currently live in Colorado off grid where I raise bees, chickens, and soon goats. My home is all electric including stove, 50 gallon water heater, and home heating. I am 99.9% off-grid - the .1% is a gas generator that we run maybe a total of 5 hours per year. My system is small compared to those who also have all electric homes off grid.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2015 08:05pm
I'm here because of the knowledge, I kept searching on different topics and results lead me here, then I got hooked on reading all the post in the members project section and the pictures being posted. Then I started going through the Cabin Construction forum.
I'm planning a 16x28 + loft cabin and hope to run it mainly off-grid with a compost toilet and a well for water.
# Posted: 17 Dec 2015 05:26pm
Quoting: silverwaterlady I have a log cabin in Canada on 220 acres. The nearest neighbor is 2 miles. The cabin was built off the grid. We spend only 3 weeks per year in the cabin with the plan of it being our summer retirement home. I 'm not a rebel just looking to a safe, peaceful,inexpensive way of life. Sweet.
# Posted: 17 Dec 2015 07:39pm
Well it's either this or wash the dishes 
# Posted: 17 Dec 2015 10:07pm
Quoting: Wilbour Well it's either this or wash the dishes
I couldn't have said this better, but I'll try:
"Hi, I'm bobrok, and I am addicted to s-c-f."
# Posted: 17 Jan 2016 04:17pm
I'm here because in the winter time I can't get to my cottage (Northern Ontario) since it is only water access. Reading posts from others helps me stay in the cottage mood and I can plan the next project I need to do when the ice leaves. Been doing an addition to the main cottage. I'm a 3rd gen owner and the main cottage is too small so adding 3 bedrooms and an indoor washroom.
# Posted: 12 Feb 2016 09:15am
Hello In my opinion why I decided it was mainly because I've never really like living in the city and I have 30 acres of land that eventually will be inherited to me and I figured I'd want to get started on it my family used to be farmers so its pretty good land the family I mean my grandfather used to be a farmer. I too am very tired of eating chemical food later let you go to the grocery store none of the actual natural food if its not pumped with hormones its chemically made I don't like eating artificial food I'd like to eat something natural like this summer I decided for a week or for a month I should say I went on eating nothing but garden farmer meet like natural stuff and the first week I felt so bloody sick which was a sign that I was so used to bringing in the chemicals that when my body wasn't bringing them and that they were addicted to it was like that bad. I believe our world was used to be lived on not to make money off of. I remember my grandparents always telling me how people used to be like how everyone would help everyone no matter what and like I don't see that anymore its like there's a missing link. So it took me awhile to figure out how I was going to just go literally off grid living and so this year I am taking my small camper trailer and building an add on to it in the first year also at the same time building a mini garden are temporarily shower and bathroom and using the natural waist from our body as manure because it needs to sit for a year until it's able to become manure.
I have no idea what a weekend is since I've lived in the country my whole life it's pretty much I plan on in the first year going solar panel will be the must in the spring , no later than 4 I need to get a fire stove I live in northern Canada so by October it starts getting pretty cold by November it snows and by December we're getting our minus 40 Celsius I'm hoping that a lot of people will notice that if I can do it they can do it like a lot of my friends have wanted to do it but are too scared to do it because they don't want to fail and I don't mind being the test run because I've always wanted to do it I'm not going to fail that's why I'm here I want to learn as much knowledge as I can before I go up there. I am curious what you mean by green. If that means literally living right off of all green from the earth okay but I'm still getting my meat I like meat. I am NOT a hunter of yet but I have done trapping I mainly here to get as much information as I can that way I can thrive throughout the years I believe in off grid living but I don't think solar panel is a bad thing I do ride a bicycle I've never gotten my license ever for a vehicle I don't want to drive the vehicle because in my opinion they are really bad for the environment and I think a lot of individual should ride a bike and by ride a bike I'm one of those ones that rides 3 hours from town
Take care god bless
# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 03:42pm
I am building a cabin from natural materials found on my property, situated along a bluff line in mid elevation Ozark hills near Fayetteville Ar. As I look around there seem to be many people interested in living off the grid or as sustainable as possible. My hopes have always been to find a way for my land to pay for itself. Using my bluff house as a show place I would like to find like minded folks to join our community to live in peace, carry on as we like with gardening or making art and making the world around us a little better. Does anyone know of similar places? Anybody want to join us?
# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 06:57pm
Wendigolake - we are in the same " boat" so to speak. Water access only. We can get to the place in the winter if the lake is frozen, but only for short visits. We are also 3rd gen owners and pondered renovating the old place. Opted to build a new camp nearby and so far, so good. Kept the old place and now have two to maintain. This site keeps us in the cabin mood too.
# Posted: 26 Feb 2016 09:19pm
Lots of great ideas on here I just built a 20X20 with a 6' porch across the front completely off grid and plan to keep it that way. I like looking at all the picture of everyone's cabins and things y'all do to make the better.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2016 09:08am
I found this site by accident and have been lurking for over a year. My wife and I are about to embark on an amazing adventure. We bought 100 acres in the Dunchurch area of Northern Ontario and are going to start building a log cabin on a foundation from scratch. I took a log cabin building course last June and this February I took a course to become a certified installer of " insulated concrete form" to pour my own basement. We are both lovers of the great outdoors and spend many hours dreaming about being on our land. The first time we saw our land was -40 celcius with 5 feet of snow. We snowshoed in to see it on Valentine's day. (How Cool Is My Wife)
# Posted: 27 Mar 2016 08:09pm
Just purchased a few acres in SW CO and found your site.
# Posted: 27 Mar 2016 08:10pm
Really excited that I have found this site. I own a small piece of land in rural SW CO.
purple rose
# Posted: 31 Mar 2016 01:02am
I want to learn ideas to save money. I also do not believe living in nature means saying no to things like pipeline development.
# Posted: 6 May 2016 12:17pm
Hey there. I am new here, but have been lurking as a non-user for the last couple of years. I grew up in Northern Minnesota, and lived on the land before it before my parents moved into town.
I've always dreamed of getting back, and a little over two years ago, the opportunity to get a piece of land near where I used to live popped up. My wife and I jumped on it.
I think if you get nature in your bones, it may never leave. You will always want to get back.
# Posted: 6 May 2016 04:41pm
Quoting: NorthwoodsGuy I think if you get nature in your bones, it may never leave. You will always want to get back. "You can take the boy out of the country, but you cannot take the country out of the boy" author unknown.
Very true statement there Northwoods guy. Once anyone is introduced to the great outdoors, it stays forever.
Be Life
# Posted: 25 Jun 2016 03:14pm
This is why I am here on this forum. I recognize there is a wealth of information here and that absolutely amazes me.
But why we choose to live in a cabin in the bush, is because of the simpler life and our love of nature and God's creation.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2016 02:40am
We've always loved being in a natural environment. Our boys were raised in the country. It was a dream of ours to one day have a cabin in the wilderness, and now we're in the process of selling our house, and purchasing a large acreage, and putting our home on it. It will be a totally self reliant property, with alternative power and heat. I'm excited as to where we're heading, and glad that I found this forum. There's lots of information which we are in need of to help us prepare for the transition. Hopefully in the future we will be able to contribute our stories and knowledge as well.
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