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# Posted: 31 Mar 2014 07:26pm - Edited by: SFCLYNCH
Weekend Mountain Cabin getaway 2 hrs from house, It has been a lifelong dream which is slowly coming true. I have obtained a wealth of information and ideas along with encouragement. Started off grid ideas and kinda mixed up things with some power for summer time AC, can still do winters off grid w wood stove an water collection year round, This is my view for a cup of coffee in am or drink in evening. A lot of peace and quiet.
# Posted: 4 Apr 2014 09:56pm
I'm here because i've always wanted an off the grid cabin...
I like reading the posts about them... Also just signed up on the forum to make this post. 
Gary O
# Posted: 6 Apr 2014 08:57pm
I first posted here about four years ago. Heh, darn near trashed the place. I park all that crud elsewhere now. (no I haven't matured, just became more discrete...sorta) There is another, larger site, and it has some mighty fine folk, but this one...this one has a cozy warmth of clientele that seems to know how to build and learn together. I do like that.
Why else am I here? To share and take in the warmth of our cabins.
# Posted: 17 Jun 2014 01:38pm
Why am I here? To share and learn. It's nice to be around like minded folks and see all of the beautiful cabins.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2014 07:35pm
Back to the original thread, We've been camping nearly 30 years, and just kept going further north, out of curiosity and the pull of smaller, quieter rivers that are not as populated during the summer/fall seasons. This idea of a refuge kept tugging like a kite, and when we finally got the opportunity we ran with it. Welcome, job-site North! ( My husband's an electrician) Not even sure we're going with electricity. A while back I bought a few Aladdin lamps and maybe we'll use those . For now it's candles and those cheap LED lights we can read by. Candles, whiskey and conversation. yeah
# Posted: 18 Jun 2014 08:21pm
Yes - candles, whiskey and conversation. My mantra! This site is very fine and I have learned much - still learning and lucky to be living the cabin life.
# Posted: 19 Jun 2014 11:55am
i found this site looking for off grid solar info. i bookmarked the off grid section and didn't even know there was more to the site.
then one day I found the other forums and went to look at everybody's cabins. wow. what an eye opener. all these folks content to spend years slowly building a - better for them - life. just like me.
so why am I here. for off grid info. to help others. but mostly, 'cause I drank too much wine and beer one night and a friend convinced me to stay on my off grid camp over a winter ... a canadian winter ... and I stayed relatively sane that winter with the wit and wisdom of all you wonderful folks. hey. I said relatively sane. 
# Posted: 21 Jun 2014 06:10am
Hello! New here and found the site trying to figure out options to piers when we couldn't dig down 4 ft. We love camping but knew at some point we'd want to travel less and put the expenses of camping into a camp of our own. We looked for nearly 4 years in upper state NY for a place. Dh and I wanted affordable waterfront.
Long and short of it, we switched our search to NH (I'm a NH native but dh and sons are CT born). 2 days after New Year's, I found a little property in southern NH and within a week we had a deal with the foreclosing bank. Our cabin will test our diy skills and make us expand on them but the 100 year old plus reclaimed barn timbers and my "tin roof, front porch and a gravel road" and it feels like home to me! Love that song!
We are committed to CT for another 7 to 10 years so our cabin is for weekends and hunting season (me and the two oldest not dh). Eventually, we'll retire up there.
I'm already living a life closer to the land, being more self sufficient, making the most of our property with gardening, hunting and doing maple syrup. Our NH cabin has even more resources to decrease our dependency on the outside world and a few neighbors who want to do the same.
I can't wait to post pics and share our journey!
# Posted: 13 Jul 2014 12:27pm
Wellllllll...Much to my family's consternation, I've recently purchased 12+ acres in the mountains in NM...near Quemado. Property borders state land, and neighbors aren't there too often. Electricity is already up to the property line out front, but I'll be doin' solar. I'll be one of a handful living in the area full-time. Will be moving a 'tiny' home up there May 2015, and will live in that while smallish cabin is being built.
Why am I here? To learn, get ideas, continue gathering information, and pick y'all's brains!
I love the seclusion of the mountains where I'll be, being 'more' self-sustaining in my lifestyle, having more control over my food sources, working with the land where I'll be living, and just enjoying the quiet, peaceful surroundings. Though I gave them to my cousin when I moved in Nov., I kept chickens, organic/heirloom garden, can, dehydrate, and freeze what I grow, compost, etc. I lived in the AZ mountains for many years, so the NM mountains where I'll be living are very similar in terms of weather, soil, etc. I still have a LOT to learn though, and am looking forward to reading more about your experiences.
Leaf in the Wind
# Posted: 24 Jul 2014 07:53pm
I am here because after living for three years in an off grid cabin in the Siskyou Mtns. of Southern Oregon My wife and I had to leave. We were 100% off grid, no solar, no running water, ( well the running water was me running it up to the cabin from the spring), no generators. We loved the lifestyle, it was always a dream of mine since a little boy to live in a cabin in the woods, my wife's as well. We did not own the land and when the land owner decided to sell we could not afford to buy it, probably could have, but there was a sleazy realtor involved. Anyway, we are now on our search for a small piece of property that we can afford to buy so no one will be able to tell us to move, and build our own little cabin in the woods. this site looks like a good place to find like minded souls to share out story and hopefully learn more things about this way of life. We are looking forward to meeting some of you on this site and sharing this wonderful lifestyle.
# Posted: 21 Aug 2014 05:49pm
I'm here because we just purchased acreage with a tiny cabin and there was no user's manual included ;)
Look forward to hearing from all you like-minded, cabin loving folks.
# Posted: 22 Aug 2014 10:27am
I'm here because I want to learn to be more self sufficient. After hurricane Katrina and the fall out from that I realized I never want to rely on the government to "take care of things". It would be foolish to continue to live that fantasy, which the government wants you to believe in.
So, I purchased 10 acres in Oregon, 70 miles from the nearest town. My plan is to build a remote cabin and go off grid and do my own thing. Grow my own food and take care of my own resources. So exciting!
I realize it will be hard work but anything worth anything is.
Leaf in the Wind
# Posted: 22 Aug 2014 10:41pm
welcome Loonwhisperer and moregon. I don't know how active this site is, but I have done some good reading on here. So, anyway, enjoy it and welcome. I am a newbie here, but it seems like a good site.
# Posted: 24 Aug 2014 08:10pm
Loon, you made me laugh! My husband and I keep asking what the heck the former owner was thinking! We've deided he didn't think!
# Posted: 29 Aug 2014 07:15pm
I'm here because I've been web-searching in an attempt to find some easy, cheap way of producing one's own microbe-type mix for an indoor composting toilet. I've been buying the typical commercial variety, which is close to $30. Canadian, and lasts for about 3-5 months. Then today I ran into a wall. The people that sell the commercial mix in town have none left, and won't be re-ordering until the spring. I could order some on-line, but I always wanted to find, and thought there must be some way to make your own, cheaply, easily, and totally organically. I thought maybe there would be some forum here where discussions of this type went on. Can anyone re-direct me, or is the creation of a new forum in order....
# Posted: 30 Aug 2014 12:31pm
Quoting: bobrok # Posted: 3 Dec 2011 09:02 Reply Quote [Quote:Borrego] I just wish we could all have a big ole campground rendevous somewhere, I could see singin' around the campfire, drinkin' scotch, sharing outdoors tips, drinkin' beer, putting up an A Frame just for fun, drinkin' wine, errrrr wait, too much drinkin' going on...... That would be very cool.
Don't know if this was mentioned, but it would be fun to get the exact geographical center from everyone here, and use it as a mecca someday to meet. Actually, let's everyone bring one tool and build another roadside attraction!
# Posted: 30 Aug 2014 12:34pm
In Death Valley
# Posted: 30 Aug 2014 12:35pm
Go through the "Off-grid living" Forum, there are many topics on toilets. Here are a few to get started.
# Posted: 19 Sep 2014 11:21pm - Edited by: KellyfromPA
5 years ago my husband was diagnosed with a life threatening illness. Just over 2 years ago he started dialysis, he is 36 years old. We had many dreams about our future, but that all changed when he got sick. A few months after starting dialysis, we visited a small town in PA and fell in love. Our dream is to find land or an already built small cabin where we can live a simple life. So no cabin yet. Finances are definitely a problem when dealing with medical stuff. We have tried looking just to rent a small cabin, but no luck there either. Starting to feel discouraged, so came on the forum today to read positive cabin stories and give myself hope that one day my family and I will have our little cabin in the woods. 
# Posted: 20 Sep 2014 09:09am
We would live in our cabin full time. It is a lifestyle we want the rest of our lives. But because my husband does hemo-dialysis at home 6 days a week we need plumbing and electricity....something that isn't always easy to find in remote cabins.
Salty Craig
# Posted: 22 Sep 2014 08:47pm
KellyfromPA My prayers for you guys. It amazes me the amount of spirit that you exhibit during a tough time. I hope y'all find what your looking for and that the price is right. May your husbands health steadily improve.
# Posted: 23 Sep 2014 08:54am
Craig - thanks for the prayers and kind words! Just yesterday we were talking about things we would like to build on the land one day when we have land and a cabin. We would like to build a small workshop for him to do his reloading with bottle lights and solar or wind power it was just nice to talk and dream 
# Posted: 23 Sep 2014 09:38pm
Hey everyone. New member here. Thought I'd mention why I am here!
I'm young, and have yet to move out on my own. I'm saving up and staying at home so I can buy some land, and build myself a cabin styled home, as a permanent residence.
I have always loved cabins. And I love being in the middle of nowhere. I am a country kid and love the lifestyle. Absolutely hate the city.
Anyways, that's why I'm here!
# Posted: 23 Sep 2014 11:15pm
Quoting: smitty Are you a weekender? Are you interested in self sustaining lifestyle? Are you interested in being "green".. Are you a hunter interested in a hunting cabin? Why are you here? I'm looking to start as a weekender moving to a full timer. The goal is to minimize my need for being on the grid, not sure if I'll ever be totally grid free, but I'm seeking the simpler life. Currently new to AZ, but will most likely be in the AZ/NM area when I pull the plug.
# Posted: 30 Sep 2014 04:58am
I want a simple, peaceful life in a beautiful place, where nature surrounds me as my home, not a bunch of "stuff." And I want to live in an environmentally responsible manner, off-the-grid, growing my own food, keeping hens and some animals, and finally writing the books that I've had in my head but have been too distracted and busy to write.
I was diagnosed with Lupus about 10 years ago and the Texas heat has sent me into a downward spiral, slowly killing my body, while the endless doctor's appointments and procedures have broken my spirit. I need a big change and a better life on that gorgeous forested land and in a cooler climate so I can heal.
Just planning my cabin and doing all of the problem-solving and troubleshooting around the need for alternative energy, water, etc. is working my brain and making my heart happy! And it's so cool to find a lot of people who are interested in a different way of living, too!
Alan K
# Posted: 8 Nov 2014 05:55pm
I agree with Julie,
I'm far from having my cabin away from it all... Many more years before my retirement. So for now.... A lot of planning, research, chatting with the people here, so I know I'll have everything in place when the times right.
The right place:
A warmer climate than New England. A place away from it all.... No Rat race environment. Back to Nature. A more self-sufficient lifestyle (Not relying on BIG Energy).
Good Luck to you Julie - Keep the posts coming.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2014 07:00am
Been dreaming of going off-grid & independent for ages it seems (over a dozen years anyways). Never thought I would get to it as "life kept interfering" but things change.
Now Semi Retired (ok 3/4's retired, will only be fully retired when buried) and got a nice little plot of land, some of it is cleared while the rest is mixed bush and we decided to "go for it".
Why am I here ? To exchange information, knowledge, experiences (good & bad) & adventures in Cabin Living OFF-GRID with like minded souls. Having perused this forum, I found kindred spirits, good & intelligent information, shared Experience (good & bad) and no signs of "trolls" and / or trolling. (pet peeve # 104 - trolls)
I've spent years thinking & researching the possibilities, hoping someday I could do it and that day arrived (much to my surprise) so all those years of reading, thinking & dreaming about it are happening now.
The goal is to be: - OFF-GRID (no wires / NO LEASH) - As "green" Enviro Neutral as possible. - Reasonably Self Sufficient & Independent - To enjoy the Peace & Quiet while listening to the rustle of leaves on a breezy day ;) - To have the local critters come & visit (they do & a lot) - To work the life and have the satisfaction of doing for myself. - To raise a few Chickens, Rabbits and Siberian Pigs (heritage breed that handles North Country) - To have my Year Round greenhouse & gardens (perma-culture) - To NOT have to listen or be bothered by Societal Trends, Materialism, Greed, Corruption, Violence and all those unpleasant things we don't need.
This is the last "Big Thing" I will be doing in my life and it's going to benefit Maggie and I in having our "little world" and sanctuary from the global idiocy going on.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2014 10:16am
Well said and I second that notion!!
# Posted: 19 Jan 2015 01:06pm
The camp is a special place that gives me great serenity. I love it!
Scott G
# Posted: 22 Jan 2015 10:57pm
What Steve_S said...more or less.
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