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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / 1yr Honda generator dealer maintenance at dealer?
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# Posted: 12 Jan 2025 06:23pm


My honda 2200w is turning 1 year old and I am over due for the dealer maintenance per the schedule and engine run times. It lists:

1. valve clearance - check/adjust
2. Combustion chamber - clean
3. Fuel tank and filter - clean
4. fuel tube - check

Looking at my local honda dealers from honda's website - non are really close and those that are - don't have such good reviews on google maps.

I saw a much loved local "small engine repair" shop near my cabin but he isn't a honda authorized dealer.. I don't want to mess with my warranty. Can I bring it to him or is that an issue?

# Posted: 12 Jan 2025 06:35pm

Here is what I would do. Change oil, inspect and clean air filter if needed, but bet it doesnt. You can put a new plug in it, but not really needed.

Plugs, oil change and inspect air filter is all I have ever done to mine, zero issues. First EU2000i was close to 20 years old.

I did use the original OE Honda oil in 10W30, takes about .75 qt. You can get that oil from Home Depot also.

You wont ever have a warranty claim, I speak from experience. (currently own 3 Honda generators, 4th one, gave to my sister.

# Posted: 12 Jan 2025 06:57pm

I'm at 550hr... Thinking maybe it is good to do those dealer things.

Oil change and spark plug I have done and do on time.

# Posted: 12 Jan 2025 08:54pm

The exhaust valves on 4 stroke engines tend to get tighter (they live in a hostile environment), the intakes not so much. A too tight exhaust valve will 'burn' and you lose compression.
I don't know if you can get the tip of a mechanic's stethoscope on the valve cover but is so you can listen for a tick-tick-tick telling you there is valve clearance (not too tight). Listen to both sides. No tick is bad.
Typically the exhaust should have a bit more clearance than the intake so try to tell if it sounds that way.
If you hear light ticking great, not likely you'll hear TICK-TICK-TICK but that would be excessive.
I know, it is subjective....and Ive listened to a lot of engines; still worth a shot.
Maybe bounce that idea off your local guy.
Btw, if you don't have a stethoscope you may be able to use a long shank screwdriver with the hard handle at your ear.
De-coking the combustion chamber means pulling the head off ($$$) and rarely needed since unleaded/reduced lead gasoline (decades now). Forget it.
Do the filters, at least inspect, clean or replace.
Change the oil At Least as often as recommended.
Use a premium oil; I use synthetic.
Fuel tube is check for cracking, they do deteriorate over time but Honda rubber is very good. Visually check and fold over a little looking for cracking and make sure the rubber is still supple.

# Posted: 13 Jan 2025 05:12am

When the "kid" at the shop screws up your equipment you'll say I could have done it myself.

Quoting: optimistic

1. valve clearance - check/adjust
(feeler gauge, flat tip screw driver, wrench.)
2. Combustion chamber - clean
(BG-44K, proportion the amount, more is not better)
3. Fuel tank and filter - clean
(check for junk in tank and on filter)
4. fuel tube - check

(this is the tube between carb and the tank. It goes bad every few years and needs replaced. Take it with you and buy the same size.)

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