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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Refrigerator in Unheated Cabin
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# Posted: 15 Oct 2024 00:52

Hello! I know this topic has been discussed before and generally it is ill-advised or to add a lightbulb. One thing I am thinking of trying though is adding a seedling heatmat to the bottom of my fridge. I own a nursery and have a bunch of these lying around. They are made to be pretty abused (watered, soil, trays on them, etc). They pull about 18-20watts (the one I plan to use is 20inx20in and pulls 20watts) and they increase the soil temperature by 10 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit above the ambient room temperature. Cabin is located up on large hill in NY State ski country so it does get pretty cold. It was even snowing today! I think this would heat more than a lightbulb and slim profile fits nice under a fridge.....thoughts?

# Posted: 15 Oct 2024 18:14

See if there is a garage kit available for your model refrigerator. I've never installed one but there are some fridges that have them available. The garage kit has a small heater element installed near the sensor.

I've been told by a friend who did one that hers is good down to about 35 F now and that is perfect for her attached garage. I have no idea if any can go lower.

Also, no idea if your idea would work or not.

# Posted: 17 Oct 2024 12:45

Are you trying to keep the fridge working when your not there and its really cold? Cold Ambient temp around the fridge would mean it runs less.

I have a fridge we dont use/run when we arnt there also in NY. We use no additional heat. It's just a dorm fridge and works just fine.

# Posted: 17 Oct 2024 14:56

We have found that that fridge not running in the colder fall/spring and def in winter holds the cold the cabin gets down to quite well; think of it as an 'ice box' rather than fridge. We get there, unload the food and ice bottles into it and good to go.
But Don't put warm leftovers in it, let em cool off, maybe outside first (we have an old cooler to use outside for that) and don't linger with the door open.

# Posted: 17 Oct 2024 17:08 - Edited by: ICC

I should have mentioned that I was thinking of a normal household fridge with a freezer compartment. That is the type of fridge that can have a definite problem when located in a cold space. I made that assumption when I read the OP as I am familiar with the freezer compartment problem.

Fridge/freezer combo units are not normally designed for use in ambient temperatures below 50 to 60 degrees F. The cold room temperature causes the compressor to not run often enough to keep the contents of the freezer frozen.

That is the big concern with fridges in cold garages, etc. People often place their old fridge in an unheated garage after getting a new fridge for the kitchen. If the fridge in question has no freezer that is another matter altogether.

# Posted: 17 Oct 2024 17:37

For those who didn't know... ork/#:~:text=Refrigerators%20do%20not%20work%20as,before%20the%20fridge%20section%20d oes.

# Posted: 18 Oct 2024 12:00

I now have a fridge with freezer, I unplug it, its empty, and I crack the door open, drape a towel over the top to hold the doors open.

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