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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / for Cabinbuilder (account questions)
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# Posted: 12 Jul 2024 12:19

Hey Admin,

Zorro's account may have been hacked or someone got his log in. I recently deleted a post from Zorro that was Spam, dating site link. His past posts have been fine and he is a member in good standing. I see that he is using dynamic IP addressing so source tracing is not easy. Can we make it possible for a member to change their password?

If we could create email authentication for membership approval, it would cut down on the Spam. All users should have their email shown to other valid members.

I made this public so others could comment and maybe get other recommendations.


# Posted: 12 Jul 2024 12:29

Yes regarding e-mail function.
Imo, since we don't have a 'marketplace/trading post' sub forum, no pm function or afaik no way to access another member's e-dress we can't 'talk to each other' about stuff mentioned without putting our pers address info on the forum (that is chancy).

# Posted: 25 Jul 2024 02:08

You can change your password in the Profile section.

I have reset pwd for Zorro - he'll need to change it.

Sorry, no PM - old software

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