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# Posted: 18 Feb 2024 10:56am
Money well spent to be able to enjoy the outdoors without all the labor, aches, and pains.
# Posted: 18 Feb 2024 01:56pm
Im che....Frugal, and that is a chunk o' $, but it is the smart thing for us. All in all, the roi, land + this enhancement, will make our resale value way better, even if it was only next year. I have plenty to do though. The site prep and getting it placed, then my off-grid elec system, the rain barrels, the decks, etc. will make for a busy summer. But when I want a break I can take it! 
# Posted: 23 Feb 2024 09:06am
They don't just dump it off the trailer, hand you the keys and you move in? Yeah you got plenty to do, and we'll be on you constantly. But when you're sitting by the fire sipping a cuppa it will all be worth it. Comes with a wood stove, I forget?
# Posted: 23 Feb 2024 09:29am - Edited by: gcrank1
No wood, we have a propane furnace. Our insurance co won't insure with wood stove at all, not even an outdoor and I can't put up wood anymore either (not supposed to run a chain saw with my onboard defibrillator). This cabin will be way more energy efficient than the shack too. We went up Wed aft (about 55* and sunny), got the tractor and gen running, did some little things, sat in the sun on the hill overlooking our domain.... Have the prelim plan with the DNR Forester for our slash pile burn maybe next week. Then went for a little drive in 'the hood'; found an Amish farm about 4mi away that has the silo blocks I need and the fam may be interested in tearing down the shack for salvage. I need to go back and talk to the dad and maybe run him over to take a look. That sure would be sweet! But yeah, they do drop it on the spot I want (and have prepped), block it under in my case and level it, hand me the keys and we move in! Im gonna guess once they show up it might be in place and they leave within 2hrs.
Project Mayhem78
# Posted: 29 Feb 2024 07:29am
That is a beautiful cabin, have fun and relax!
# Posted: 12 Apr 2024 06:19pm
For gcrank1's cabin above....
Is there any good info on doing a butt and pass like that with 6x6? His cabin is using the engineered logs it looks like.
I have been looking but, the info is so contradictory. Use green wood asap, let it air dry for two years, use kiln dried... ect...
I suspect they are all correct in some manner.
I was going to timberlok them together, plane down the corners to chink the space. But not leave space between them.
I see so many different ways of doing it, but can't decide on one.
# Posted: 12 Apr 2024 07:21pm
Last week was supposed to be upgrade the driveway with a base of 3" crushed rock topped by 3/4" crusher run limestone; all for the cabin delivery. Then it snowed.....then we got a Nasty stomach flue.... But yesterday Gravel Charlie and his g-son Charlie III came with the loads and a good sized fel. I was still puny but on site, mostly as an interested observer, they did a good job and I learned a few things about running a fel. Today 2 of our 3 adult g-kids came to help move ALL the stuff out of the shack, put on the relocated decks and tarp over until the new one is in place. Why? Because the Amish chap's plan is to come tomorrow with a crew and start ripping the shack down for salvage. I have my big trailer there to load stuff on and transfer to his place as needed. Weather report is very good, hope this works out. If we can get it down during tomorrow and next week I can do the dirt work fair quick and call the delivery guys for a ground check', then schedule the delivery and set. Looking like end of month.....fingers and eyes crossed.
# Posted: 13 Apr 2024 06:05am
Great to hear, hope it all goes as planned. Refresh my memory: what does the old place have for foundation, just sitting on the ground? And how much of that space will the new one occupy?
# Posted: 13 Apr 2024 08:56am
Very good progress. The anticipation is growing!
# Posted: 13 Apr 2024 01:06pm
Gcrank1 can you post some pictures please?
# Posted: 13 Apr 2024 09:13pm - Edited by: gcrank1
Paul, the shack is a glorified, and crooked, 'pole building' design; ie, 12 locust posts (the one pulled out now was only about 18" deep. At least he used locust, up here it is good, long lasting fence posts even untreated (IF the bark in ground is removed). 16x24ish, rim & center joist were used and floor joists set over, all about 1' above grade. * * * * * * * * * * * * We spent all of today there (7:30am-7:30pm from home) with Malon and his boys ripping and tearing. Roof is off, half the walls, 3 loads of salvage to his farm on my 3k # hd trailer and bad condition f-glass loose insulation all over (what a mess). We threw most into what is left of the insulation into the shell, tarped over and tossed ladders on to hopefully hold from the wind blowing it about. My guess is they will need another full day to finish and me hauling probably another 3 full loads. Then we get to do the clean up..... We hate to work on a Sunday, and the Amish just wont, but tomorrow we are going to try to tarp the trailer bed and pile in insulation like one would leaves). We are very pleased with the progress and those five Amish boys, even the young ones, can really work! With the shack occupying 16x24ish the new one will take 12.5x28, just off center N/S of the footprint. Yep, my schedule is coming together  DB, we've been taking some cell-phone pics; I don't seem to remember how to post pics here or if I ever have.....
# Posted: 14 Apr 2024 11:03pm
Lol, I knew how to post pics back in mid-Feb; just saw the early posts on this thread and I showed off the front of the new cabin while still 'in factory'. But Im too exhausted these days to delve into it....yet  We spent from 1:30 today (beautiful mid 70's, windy) picking up and 'bagging' about 2/3's of the about 1200sf of 3.5" f-glass in small to mid-sized chunks that the guys dropped onto the floor as they tore off the roof and walls. It was an ugly job for a mid-70's couple with some physical issues. Get to go back again tomorrow to try to get the rest, then start to pick up the small bits that have blown away from the structure. It is kind of like those pics of around a tornado damaged home.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2024 12:13am

# Posted: 15 Apr 2024 08:33am
Quoting: gcrank1 Lol, I knew how to post pics back in mid-Feb
Getting old ain't for the weak!
# Posted: 15 Apr 2024 09:14pm
Nor is it an option, Paul! As of 3ish this aft the whole cabin is gone, basically took them 1 1/2 days to deconstruct; and between last Sat and today I hauled 5 big loads of lumber to Malon's farm with my big trailer. before heading up there we took the small trailer of insulation to the pay to dispose site, it amounted to 120#(cost $5.70!), brought another home tonight to do the same tomorrow and probably that much still there rolled in a tarp, the terrible carpet rolled up and some odd & ends. Then there is the scrap/junk wood from the demo in a fair big pile.... Id like to start some site leveling tomorrow too.
# Posted: 16 Apr 2024 08:51am - Edited by: paulz
You’re wearing yourself out, take a day off! Quit trying to keep up with those youngsters, lol.
Same goes for me at the moment. Been at the city house, I hired a landscaper and his helper to finish pruning the palm trees and pretty much clean up the yards, which went downhill while I was in the hospital. Disposing of all the stuff falls on me, been working harder than them. They’re surprised at my stamina, particularly since they have to help me on my feet.
Last day today, then back to the cabin where I won’t relax, but at least I’m not trying to keep up. Anyway good job getting her done, too bad we can’t see it..
# Posted: 18 Apr 2024 12:40pm
Good news as of yesterday, the Star Log Cabin folks are coming on Sat 4-27 for a site check and thinking the following Mon or Tues might be delivery! Ive been watching vid's on the I-pad of the 'mule' in use with big pre-built sheds; Very Impressive what they can do. Im thinking once in place (and the 'pressure is off me') I can do a pictorial sequence of old cabin, the tear down and the new.
# Posted: 24 Apr 2024 08:31pm
So much has happened but still in site prep. Trimmed some driveway overhanging tree limbs by climbing up into the fel bucket; ie, don't do this.... But I did and it went well. No chainsaw, I used my cordless recipe saw with an aggressive wood blade. I have been mostly doing the site leveling, establishing the rough corners and the past three days laying down the gravel base. By my tripod and carpenters laser level, and with my wife on the story pole, my Mk I eyeball got the gravel runners with a couple inches! And it is Well compacted; my tractor as is goes about 2k # and at each layer Ive back&forthed a bunch. Today my friend Mick came to help me establish the corners right and square it then lay out the silo blocks on the gravel base; 18 x 80# each moved a min of 2 times (arg). We got the west side mostly situated, the east side corners in place and the blocks rough dropped. Tomorrow I plan to finish both sides and get the tops leveled all around. At that we should be ready for the Sat site check. All on track so far! Amazing 
# Posted: 24 Apr 2024 09:05pm

# Posted: 25 Apr 2024 05:21am
Good stuff. Hard work makes you sleep well but be careful doing those “don’t do this stuff “. I know we all do it at times out of necessity but take extra precautions
# Posted: 25 Apr 2024 10:27am
Nice! Looking forward to the picture dump!
# Posted: 25 Apr 2024 11:13am
# Posted: 27 Apr 2024 08:23pm
Took through today to get all 18 of the 10x30 silo 'blocks' bedded in place, 2 runs of 9, straight square and level on the 3/4" crusher run limestone and we got about 1/2" of rain last night which really locks it all together. Cabin folks arrived for the site inspection and approved my prep! Wha Hoo Happy Dance. Delivery maybe this coming Wed; they think it will be a snap (and they have seen/had to deal with some pretty poor prep). So wife and I went out to a nice sit-down dinner to celebrate......
# Posted: 30 Apr 2024 06:09pm
Scheduled for mid-day tomorrow (Wed) Weather looks ideal and 70ish*f Friends are coming to watch We will be leaving home no later than 9am for the 45min drive SO close......
# Posted: 30 Apr 2024 06:26pm

# Posted: 30 Apr 2024 08:13pm
Bring sleeping bags
# Posted: 1 May 2024 08:03pm
And per the thread title, Our New Cabin IS Done! They showed up about 11:15 today and unloaded it on the narrow town road out front. NO traffic, and a good thing because the rig took up 3/4 of the roadway. Hooked up the boggy wheels and the mule and ran it the 320ish feet in. All my driveway widening and trimming back was perfect. It came in nicely, jacked over to the block lines, tracked right down between them and sat into place with only a few small adjustments. It was in place by 12 noon! A good friend stayed to help move furniture back in after a picnic lunch; only a couple big heavy pieces to move yet. And the sort out of all inside......but there are places to sit and futons to nap on. Ah, that new wood smell 
# Posted: 1 May 2024 08:26pm
I'm grinning too!!
# Posted: 1 May 2024 09:17pm
Good for you. Very happy it went well for you. Can't wait for some pictures. 
# Posted: 2 May 2024 07:15am
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