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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Heat tape repair
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# Posted: 14 Jan 2024 03:50pm

I had a critical run of heat tape that I wasn't sure was still working, because the indicator light was acting funky. Even when you pushed the test tab, it didn't always light up.
I knew we were getting a bad cold spell in the Midwest. And I knew there was no way I was going to crawl under the cabin to replace it. So I took a chance and bought this control unit off of Amazon. Chopped the old one off the heat tape run, and put this one on.
Our temps got down to -6° last nite and this unit obviously worked. In fact it might work better than the original one. Don't know if the wattage is more or what. But with the old one, when it got below about 5° I would get ice crystals in the last bit of pipe coming through the floor. Not this time.
So this might be an option for a quick repair for somebody else in a bind.
Heat tape controller
Heat tape controller

# Posted: 15 Jan 2024 09:17am

I have no idea what you're talking about darz, lol, but sheesh, minus 6 degrees.. 30 degrees has me diving for cover! What does it do, keep your pipes from freezing?

# Posted: 15 Jan 2024 09:24am

Yes sir.

# Posted: 15 Jan 2024 09:40am

It warmed up a bit this morning. It's only -0 outside.
Heat wave.
Heat wave.

# Posted: 15 Jan 2024 06:16pm

Wow. zero outside, 75 inside. Doing that with LP, volts or wood?

# Posted: 15 Jan 2024 07:27pm

That was just LP Mr. Heater blue flame.
But last nite had the wood stove going.
And with this super cold snap, been having to run a space heater in our store room, and one in the fifth wheel to keep a bunch of food from freezing.

# Posted: 16 Jan 2024 06:41am

Technically the wattage should be the same. The on/off temperature is what could be different.

Do you have a cheap temp gun? They can really help check for cold/hot spots.

# Posted: 16 Jan 2024 10:05am - Edited by: darz5150

This control unit doesn't have the built in thermostat. I got that one because it's plugged into a somewhat heated store room. I have it plugged into a power strip to turn it on/off.
I do have a point and read thermometer.
On the heat tape side it's reading around 70°.
It was a pretty easy and cheap fix compared to having to crawl under the cabin and replacing the old one.

# Posted: 22 Feb 2024 04:04am

Thank you for sharing your experience with replacing the control unit for your heat tape. It's great to hear that the new unit from Amazon performed well during the recent cold spell, effectively preventing freezing temperatures and ice buildup in your pipes.

Dealing with malfunctioning heat tape can be a stressful situation, especially during extreme weather conditions. Your proactive approach to replacing the control unit paid off, ensuring that your pipes remained protected from the freezing temperatures.

Your recommendation of the new control unit as a quick and effective solution for others facing similar issues is valuable. It's always helpful to hear about real-world experiences and solutions that can potentially assist others in need.

If anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation, your advice could serve as a helpful resource for resolving their heat tape problems efficiently. Thank you for sharing your story and providing valuable insight into this practical solution.

# Posted: 22 Feb 2024 09:56am

I live about a days drive round trip from the nearest hardware store and the temps can get down to -30. I have two heat tapes fished down my line. I want a backup in place to use in a pinch.

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