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# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 12:13am
Any real world suggestions?
# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 06:34am
I like the Cost brand ones. Pretty cheap but all mine take AAA. I use one every day.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 08:54am
I have 4 of these, unfortunately no brand name and don’t see them at Harbor Freight where I usually get this kind of stuff. They recharge on USB, weigh nothing and aren’t bulky. In contrast I have a couple with focus adjustment, AA batteries and hard to find ON switches. Rarely use those.
Good luck, wish I could help more.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 08:54am - Edited by: ICC
I use this light. I have a few; truck, car, shop.... They use a li-ion 18650 rechargeable cell. Charger built in. They are light enough that you don't need an over-the-head strap.
My big criticism is that the built-in charger does not use a USB-C plug; I is a usb-micro. But I manage as I like the light. I do have spare cells in case I run the cell down.
Ships from China.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 09:23am
Im so liking stuff that is USB
# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 09:34am
We really like THESE headlamps. They are super bright and last a long time on a charge. The only drawback.... and it doesn't bother us... is that you have to push the on/off button 4 times to turn them off, as it cycles through lightning options. For the price, not a big deal.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 10:17am - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: Nobadays you have to push the on/off button 4 times to turn them off, as it cycles through lightning options
I know.. dim, flicker, high beam, left turn, right turn..just turn the darn thing off!
And speaking of easily recharging, gotta have that, as invariably you’ll leave one in one of those modes.
Glad to hear I’m not the only half blind one here.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 05:39pm
Quoting: paulz I know.. dim, flicker, high beam, left turn, right turn..just turn the darn thing off!
One of ours you can hold the power button down and it goes off, one push. None of the other ones does it and we yave at lowest 6-8 of these.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 07:12pm
https://www.amazon.com/COAST-Lumen-Focusing-Headlamp-Reflective/dp/B01NBHT559/ref=asc _df_B01NBHT559/?tag=smacab-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312162172209&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand =15772738556939695886&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=906 7609&hvtargid=pla-568779639802&psc=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgK2qBhCHARIsAGACuzkTACGaQn1phe7AAv cWgw8PMsK9c9i98pD5GcZpmDSU8a393oNndycaAtcLEALw_wcB Has 3 light levels. It goes medium, high, low, off. After any setting is on for a few seconds one push of the bottom and the unit is off. Also has red and green lights.
# Posted: 8 Nov 2023 10:48pm
Thanks for the input fellas. Lots of choices out there for sure. I did a quick count of how many I have. I came up with 8 of them, not counting the ones in our vehicles, or anything with wheels except the lawn mowers. Do I really need another one? Nope. Will I get another one? You betcha! Lol
# Posted: 9 Nov 2023 08:24am
I think out of all of them I like the ones ICC posted purely due to being able to take a 18650 battery.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2023 08:55am
Quoting: paulz you have to push the on/off button 4 times to turn them off, as it cycles through lightning options I know.. dim, flicker, high beam, left turn, right turn..just turn the darn thing off!
Try this, hold the button down until it turns off. Don't cycle through all of the modes, just hold down that button! It works on my rechargeable one.
# Posted: 11 Nov 2023 10:10pm
I got 2 of these. Very similar to the ones that Nobs posted. Very happy so far. Only 13 bucks on sale. Also posting a pic of a rechargeable handheld that I've had for a while. Really great spotlight, and cob floodlight. Plus you can use it for a cellphone battery charger/backup.
# Posted: 13 Nov 2023 09:10am
One of my rechargeable light (pictured above) wasn’t fully recharging so I pulled it apart to find an 18360 battery, surprised because it’s so small and light. Luckily I just bought a pack of 10 on EBay (you guys still use EBay or has it fallen from favor?). Anyway, just got an email from them warning about the dangers of messing with 18360s. https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/2021/CPSC-Issues-Consumer-Safety-Warning- Serious-Injury-or-Death-Can-Occur-if-Lithium-Ion-Battery-Cells-Are-Separated-from-Bat tery-Packs-and-Used-to-Power-Devices?mkevt=1&mkdid=4&mkcid=29&bu=43151842137&trkId=13 6032051004
# Posted: 13 Nov 2023 12:45pm - Edited by: ICC
?? In the photo, the cell appears to be an 18650 size. 18 = 18mm diameter, more or less, it can vary slightly 65 = 65mm length, can vary depending on + terminal type (flat or button) and if there is a protection circuit incorporated. 0 = a cylindrical shape cell
There are 18350 cells. 18mm x 35mm long, cylindrical
All the warnings are valid and aimed at people who may do stupid things; like carry a bare cell in a pocket or toss it in a silverware drawer. If, for example, there are conductive items in your pocket along with a cell and a short circuit occurs, the cell can very quickly get hot enough to burn you, burst into flames, and start a fire. Very fast! Li-ion cells have low internal resistance and can supply a large current instantly. Just don't be careless or treat them like ordinary alkaline cell.
# Posted: 13 Nov 2023 01:07pm - Edited by: ICC
L to R 26650 button top 21700 flat top 18650 flat top 18650 button top protected 18650 another flat top, should have been a button top but I messed up 14500 button top (same physical size as a AA, but 3.7 volts 18350 button top 16340 button top -izzy
# Posted: 13 Nov 2023 01:22pm - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: ICC ?? In the photo, the cell appears to be an 18650 size.
Hmm, well I hooked up an 18650 on pigtail wires for a quick test Spent my one night a week at the city house, I'll be back out there later today. Maybe I'll just tape it on..
Quoting: ICC All the warnings are valid and aimed at people who may do stupid things
Explains why they sent it to me..
# Posted: 14 Nov 2023 08:00am
Quoting: darz5150 Any real world suggestions?
I've had really good luck with Sofirn.
They have several different models. I like the magnetic base, USB rechargeable, removeable battery, waterproof.
# Posted: 14 Nov 2023 10:33am - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: ICC ?? In the photo, the cell appears to be an 18650 size
Right, 18650s. I wrote that at my city house, empty handed. My whole life was AA, C, D batteries, still getting the hang of this.
The bat I took out had attached leads, like most I have come across. The new ones I bought are plug in. I did solder leads on one once, which worked, but this time I heeded to the stupid people warning and used a plug in adapter. Taped the leads to the cut light leads and attached to the outside of the light. Next time, if there is one, simple swap out.
# Posted: 14 Nov 2023 02:35pm
A potential danger to soldering wires directly to the positive or negative ends of a lithium cell comes from too much heat being applied. A bigger and hotter soldering iron that gets the job done with a quick touch is better than a smaller iron that takes several seconds to heat up the spot to solder the wire to. And use extra flux, don't depend on just a flux core solder. Use only rosin flux, no acid fluxes.
Better is to use cells with nickel plated steel tabs that are spot welded to the ends of the cells. Those can be easily and safely soldered to.
Note that if a device uses a button top cell it may be dangerous to attempt using a flat top cell. The flat top might cause a short, depending on the design.
Flat top cells can also be difficult to tell which end is positive. Inserting incorrectly can be dangerous in some devices.