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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Chicken of the woods...anyone have recipes?
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# Posted: 12 Sep 2022 01:42pm

Discovered a decent amount of Chicken of the Woods. Never had it before but i grilled one piece up and gave it a whirl and it was pretty good. Wondering if anyone has good recipes on different ways to prepare this?

# Posted: 12 Sep 2022 03:40pm

Really just about any way you cook chicken.
I really like it cooked in butter in a cast iron skillet. I've had it battered in fish fry coating or egg wash/flour and deep fried that was pretty good.
I guess I need to get out on the trails and do some hunting.
Good stuff. Congrats on your find. 👍

# Posted: 12 Sep 2022 04:44pm - Edited by: gcrank1

Just had some a couple weeks ago done in some tempura batter; pretty good but I generally like a thinner coating better.

# Posted: 13 Sep 2022 05:40pm

When I use them I pan saute it with chicken broth and maybe some garlic, then freeze it half cooked and use it in place of chicken. By itself I find it kind of boring. I did come across a recipe for pickled chicken mushrooms that I've been meaning to try.

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