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# Posted: 7 Aug 2022 07:02pm
I've mentioned the annual church rummage sale, down the road from my city house before, it's a biggie, always get something for the cabin. This year was no different, if not a bit more exciting...long story:
So Thursday, first day, when you go to score the really good stuff, I immediately noticed an old two man wood saw. Always wanted one for wall art, every lumber jack he-man such as myself should have one. But when I've seen them for sale they're always at least a couple hundred smackers.
This one was marked $100. Hmm, not a bad price, still not sure I need one that bad. Plus on Sunday, the last day, everything is half price. Will it last that long? How many of these city slickers want an old wood saw? So I passed for now, grabbed these neat hinges and a maul instead, 4 bucks total.
Thursday night I'm back at the cabin, and Friday. Saturday had to return to the city, went by the rummage sale. Still there, and marked down to $65. Hmm again, I'd pay that, but if I sweat it out until Sunday I get it for half price. It was just about 5pm, closing time, and still there leaning against a tree, at least half of the other hardware items are gone. OK, I'll be here when they open Sunday and make a mad dash for it.
So Sunday, today, rolls around, I'm in line, along with all the other half price cheapskates, waiting for the opening dash. Door opens, I push a bunch of old women out of the way and sprint for the tree, no saw! Crap, *&)&^!!! Dejected, I walk around all the other remaining junk, hoping a 6 foot saw magically appears before my eyes. No luck.
I finally head over to the coffee makers and grab one for a spare, $5, and take it to the checkout lady. She says "Glad you found something you wanted". I said "Well, I really wanted an old wood saw, it was here at 5pm yesterday and it's gone now". She says that's strange, let me take your number in case it turns up. Yeah OK...
As I'm walking back to the truck my phone rings. C'mon back, we have it! A guy there says it was taken down because they did not want to sell it for half price, but I could have it for the $65. I said wait a minute, I made a special trip here yesterday at 5 to check on it, back today for the opening bell, yada yada, the least you can do is meet me half way. He agrees, 50 bucks later it's in my truck, and now at the cabin, where I need to figure out where to hang it. I'm half tempted to get a buddy and walk up to a tree, feels sharp enough, but the old wood handles look pretty weak.
Overall I'm a happy Lumberjack, and I'm OK.
# Posted: 7 Aug 2022 07:31pm
Ive got one, had it for....well, I guess since I was 7. Saved it from the old farmstead and estate sale but I had really claimed it when I was a kid, nobody else cared. Ive used it a couple of times, just about the time two people get a good rhythm going somebody breaks pace, snags, etc. They Aint easy to use!
Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 7 Aug 2022 07:50pm
Good deal! I found the same one at a yard sale Memorial Day weekend for $20! I would have paid way more.
# Posted: 7 Aug 2022 09:21pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Man, I have people clambering to give them to me, I have 3 at the cabin now. Buddies wife found one and painted a sign on it, what happens at the cabin, stays at the cabin. She left the patina on it. I need to get it out of my container and install it.
Yes Paul, nice addition to any he mans cabin for sure. 
# Posted: 7 Aug 2022 10:15pm
Sheesh, what's next, somebody get paid to take one away?
Just kidding, I'm sure in rural wooded areas they are just old saws laying around everywhere but look online, if you need one for your apartment in Manhattan you're looking at $2-300. I usually do end up coming across scrap price yard art but I enjoy this annual sale, walking away with something and supporting the effort. Today was also 'anything that fits in a grocery bag for $12' day, my wife got a bag of clothing falling out over the top. Enough for year, that's my gal!
# Posted: 8 Aug 2022 12:26am
Quoting: paulz I'm half tempted to get a buddy and walk up to a tree, feels sharp enough, but the old wood handles look pretty weak. I've got a "Misery Whip" like that One. I just walked out the backdoor and took a pic. The one I have, you can take one of the handles off, and use it as a one man saw. We have busted it out and used it. Amazing how well those things can cut. Also makes you appreciate the guys that used them everyday. I'm glad you posted about them. I've been needing to take mine off the wall, wire brush and oil it.
# Posted: 8 Aug 2022 02:24am
Quoting: paulz I push a bunch of old women out of the way
Pushing old women at a church?
# Posted: 8 Aug 2022 06:46am
More like brushed by, I embellished a little.
Looks good Darz, I tried a couple spots last night, does look better at an angle. And I need some other accoutrements to go with it, looks lonely by itself.
# Posted: 8 Aug 2022 09:01am
Nice saw. I have been looking for a single man to cut our Christmas tree down every year.
These saws arnt hard to sharpen at all. A file and an adjustable wrench to set the teeth and your in business.
# Posted: 9 Aug 2022 08:18pm
Rummage sales can be amazing treasure trove a no doubt about it. I've found goodies that are "unobtainium" anywhere near an urban centre.
One such case was two 1870's rail road oil lamps. I love oil lamps and have many. They had been painted several times with god only knows what and the details etc were not visible BUT the original red and blue glass was there and were operation... 1 had oil in it. Ask was 50 they took 35 for the pair.
Took a week of careful cleaning & soaking in solvent to de-goop the paint (8 layers) and voila. Grand Trunk Railroad Brass lanterns with the badges and all. Even the Deutz (so) stampings on the bottom.
The advantages of being rural remote and out there can be surprises.
No photos sadly, still in hospital... 3 weeks and still going. Getting better though.
# Posted: 9 Aug 2022 09:24pm
Quoting: darz5150 I've been needing to take mine off the wall, wire brush and oil it.
Dont you dare, you devalue it by a bunch, its taken may years to get it to look like that. Petina, the new word for rust, but worth more vs less.
# Posted: 9 Aug 2022 10:10pm
Yah. Your right. It wouldn't look as good hangin' on the back of the shack all pampered and polished. LOL
# Posted: 9 Aug 2022 10:51pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Dont you dare, you devalue it by a bunch, its taken may years to get it to look like that. Petina, the new word for rust, but worth more vs less. Better off to goto Tractor Supply or similar and just buy a new one then. IMO
# Posted: 10 Aug 2022 11:09am
Didn't know they still made them, and apparently still use them. I guess if you want an even cut on a large log.
I've seen those log cutting competitions on TV, pretty entertaining. Haven't caught one in awhile.
Mine's found a forever home, so far..
# Posted: 10 Aug 2022 11:55am
Looks good Paul.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2022 03:16pm
Definitely looks good! I got a bunch of old tools from my coworker a couple months ago, one of those saws was one of the items....
I should post a picture of everything, very cool old tools....I have them displayed in my barn "party room".....
Very nice....