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# Posted: 11 Jul 2022 01:06pm
Curse this nailer.. I dug my Paslode framing nailer out of hibernation to nail up my perlins. Fired a couple of test nails, all good. Got up on the ladder, two nails later, dead. Green light is on, gas cartridge working. Opened it up, lubed the cylinder..O rings are fresh from last go around. Why would it work 4 times then quit?
I also have the smaller Paslode but it only fires finishing nails which pull through the perlins easily.
Anyway hand nailing would be a bear, pneumatic almost as bad. What's on the market now that is as convenient as a working Paslode? I really hate to buy one for this, hopefully last, big job, maybe they rent them?
Cedar Fever
# Posted: 11 Jul 2022 01:09pm
Long time paslode user here. It’s always the battery on mine, they are crap. I picked up some generics on Amazon that so far are reliable.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2022 01:41pm - Edited by: BRADISH
I put my DeWalt DCN692 through its paces building my cabin this summer and it has been pretty great. It definitely does best with DeWalt brand framing nails, but with those I have literally no complaints. I probably put 8K nails through it.
I did try to run some Grip Rite 2 3/8" Galv siding nails through it and I got a frustrating amount of jams with it. But purely framing, it is a badass tool. I found it for under $300 at the time, and I was already on the DeWalt battery platform, so for me it made the most sense. Literally just throw a fresh 5AH battery on it and get 8ish hours of no-fuss operation. No regrets.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2022 03:27pm
Can't help with the Paslode, but if you have a Pneumatic framing nailer...
Pneumatic isn't bad on a roof with a Flexzilla hose. Really light weight hose so drags easy.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2022 04:22pm
Quoting: Cedar Fever Long time paslode user here. It’s always the battery on mine, they are crap.
Promising, but I swapped batteries with the working finish gun, still no luck. Then..
I watched some videos, suspected a spark module. Took it all apart, screws, springs, gizmos.. low and behold, it sparks, so that was good. Got it all back together, it fired one nail and quit. I then swapped the gas cartridge with the working gun, same thing, on nail only. Then I noticed that every time after it worked, if I took the cartridge out and put it back, it will fire one nail. Weird. The cartridge that was in it I can't read the expiration date, the one from the working gun is 8/21 so it may be dying too, although it fires the other gun reliably.
Heat wave today, too hot this afternoon for roof work so my project is on hold, and I have business next couple days so maybe by Thursday I'll get a new cartridge.
I do have a pneumatic nailer and was thinking the same thing Nobs, once the air hose is up there it won't really be a problem moving it around. I have a 100 gallon air tank I can fill and drag over there so I don't have to listen to a generator and compressor all day. A new quality battery nailer would be nice but not worth it for one last big job.
Thanks guys.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2022 07:37pm
Dancin with the partner that ya got aint a bad thing 
# Posted: 11 Jul 2022 08:45pm
The cartridges lose pressure that is why they have an expiry date, or rather a best by date, I seem to recall. Anyhow when they get to be more than 6 months past the date they can be very iffy. They may work if several minutes are left between attempts, but that sort of defeats one of the advantages of a nail gun.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2022 09:00pm
You nailed it ICC (pun intended). I got a new cartridge and it hasn't missed a beat since.
I lost a half day's work but on the bright side I can now tear a Paslode down to bits and put it back together.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2022 09:14pm
Quoting: paulz I lost a half day's work but on the bright side I can now tear a Paslode down to bits and put it back together.
& no leftover pieces. 
# Posted: 14 Jul 2022 01:57pm
Just saw this but would have suggested a brand new cartridge.
I have 2 paslode framing nailers and older problematic one, and a newer one that is more reliable.
That said, I bought a Milwalkee battery powered framing nailer. It's my go to nailer now. It's heavy but it will drive nails all day on a single charge. No fuel cartridges to deal with.