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# Posted: 10 Jun 2021 08:42am

I'm new here but am an old hand at off grid power systems and using them and I've started a major tiny home project.

I have a porch in northern Michigan we call the "Shack." The shack started out as a sun porch built onto the side of a 1950s era mobile home. That mobile home collapsed in 1990 and a wall was built on the back of the porch. It's 7 x 32 feet.

Over the years I've built two walls - one for the bedroom and one for the storage area. Between the walls is the living area, 112 square feet.

When I retired, I wanted to make the shack into an actual tiny home - not the mobile kind but on a concrete slab. I developed a relationship with an Amish structure dealer and we designed a small addition where an actual kitchen and bathroom will be.

I also decided to use RV based appliances since we are off grid at the shack and use both DC and AC to power the shack.

With the structure, wallboard and associated lumber, I'm into the project for less than $10,000 so far. Be a lot less expensive if wood prices hadn't spiked.

# Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:03am - Edited by: gcrank1

Way to 'repurpose'!
As an 'old hand' myself I probably cant tell you anything new, but.....After multiple re-do's of my two cabins over the past almost 38ish yrs from candles and kero lamps to small scale 12vdc and mix of 12v and 120vac I found my happy place with inverting at the bat-bank with PSW to 120vac (and a transfer tie-in for the inv/gen for short run heavy loads; ie, vacuum, microwave, toaster, etc) running it some 90' to the cabin pretty much like one would do with an RV. Eliminating the heavy gauge wiring and specialty fixtures & switches for 12vdc and using common house wiring, etc was a game changer for me (as was low-cost LED Edison base lights).

# Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:34am - Edited by: oldmaninsaline

I dreamed of LED lights since 1975. They're the biggest (in my opinion) positive change in off grid living.

I've got a run of orange 10 gauge. I did have solar there for several years but we have a lot of trees and since we're on a lake there's regulations and 4 hours of sun was pointless.

My 12 volt Shenanigans is my cellular amplifier and my sweet 12 volt freezer fridge (40 watts @ 12 volts) and LED lights. I use a pure sine 600 watt inverter and series parallel split bank of duracell 6 volt deep cycles, 430 amp hours. During a typical night, I draw 7-10% of capacity. In fact the chargers don't even come off of trickle most days.

# Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:43am - Edited by: paulz

Wow, 7x32, I could live with my mother in law in that.

Welcome aboard!

Yes, LED lighting, the off gridders best friend.

# Posted: 11 Jun 2021 08:23am

Welcome and hope you enjoy it here.
Agree completely LED lights were world changing when it comes to off grid living.

I don't even get mad when my wife leaves them on anymore.

Northern MI being in the lower or Upper?
I live directly across the St Clair River form St Clair, MI and have spent some time in northern MI, beautiful country.

My Cottage is 7hr north of here in similar country to the UP

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