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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Memorial Day weekend.
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Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 30 May 2021 07:17pm

Have you been at your cabins? We came up Friday to beat the craziness on Long Island. It has rained almost the entire time but it has been a good time. We did a few projects, visited with family, and explored some state forest between raindrops. We will probably head home mid afternoon tomorrow.

# Posted: 30 May 2021 08:36pm

I'm not sure where your cabin is IG but we are in dutchess county(our home) it's been raining here since Friday mid day. We where 4in down on rain so far this year but didnt need it in one weekend..

# Posted: 30 May 2021 08:38pm

Also we try not to travel for holiday weekends. To many people on the roads who are lost or dont know where there going. We both work jobs that the weekend isnt sat-sunday.

# Posted: 30 May 2021 08:45pm - Edited by: gcrank1

Went up this aft (only 45min away), had a lovely time. Saw a doe whitetail deer on the fringe and a big dragon fly catch & eat a small butterfly or moth. A grouse has been drumming for the past couple months, wonder if he is still looking for a mate?
We have a bit of the last surviving oak savanna up the middle of the mostly square of 9ish acres. We are pulling/cutting out volunteer pines, etc. to maintain or restore what we can. It is the habitat of a couple rare-ish species, the Karner Blue Butterfly and a leggless lizard.
Was a cool day, overcast, so a good day for doing some work; then a nap
Now home so we can get a good nights sleep to rise early and make the 1st Memorial Day Service of the day at an old, small country cemetery that has, among many others, a War of 1812 veteran and my uncle, USMC, 14th Reg, 4th Div, who died on Saipan, WWII. I may be the last family member who cares....

Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 30 May 2021 08:47pm

Quoting: Brettny

I'm not sure where your cabin is IG but we are in dutchess county(our home) it's been raining here since Friday mid day. We where 4in down on rain so far this year but didnt need it in one weekend..

Also we try not to travel for holiday weekends. To many people on the roads who are lost or dont know where there going. We both work jobs that the weekend isnt sat-sunday.

Cabin is in Rensselaer county and my home is in eastern Suffolk county. We have been dry as hell too! As my handle says I am in the irrigation industry and have been run ragged the past few weeks with people complaining of their dry lawns. I was happy to have the rain because I haven’t had one work call all weekend.

I don’t love traveling on holidays either but I can’t bare to be at home on these weekends, when all the NYC folks come out of the woodwork and you can’t even go the the market without wanting to kill yourself.

# Posted: 31 May 2021 05:43am

I can imagine the travel north/south on I87 could be pure hell on the right day...or do you take the TSP?

One of the boxes that needed to be checked was no interstate travel or major roads from NYC when we where looking for property.

# Posted: 31 May 2021 01:46pm

I try to avoid the roads on holiday weekends. Because of all the extra cabin folk, campers, motorcyclists & fishermen, I also avoid the bars/restaurants on the holidays too! I have already been up this spring, and I plan on driving to the cabin on Wednesday. This will be my first summer since retiring. I plan driving back the week before the 4th of July.

# Posted: 31 May 2021 05:53pm

We're at the cabin. It's 95F at our city house today, 82F at the cabin near the coast.

Got the fire truck parked at my gate. Normally I take it to the parade but no parade again this year. At least it slows the speeders down. There was a guy out there taking pictures of it. Cool old rig, 1966 International.

# Posted: 31 May 2021 06:04pm

Cool! But does it have a blower?

# Posted: 31 May 2021 06:18pm

Do you get a discount on your fire insurance with your own fire truck?

Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 31 May 2021 06:48pm

Quoting: paulz
We're at the cabin. It's 95F at our city house today, 82F at the cabin near the coast.

Got the fire truck parked at my gate. Normally I take it to the parade but no parade again this year. At least it slows the speeders down. There was a guy out there taking pictures of it. Cool old rig, 1966 International.

Nice truck! My Dept. Has the 4 door version of that truck. It has been retired but we take it out for parades and funerals.

Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 31 May 2021 06:53pm

Quoting: Brettny
I can imagine the travel north/south on I87 could be pure hell on the right day...or do you take the TSP?

One of the boxes that needed to be checked was no interstate travel or major roads from NYC when we where looking for property.

I take 22 up to my place and usually the traffic is not too bad. I just got home it maybe took an extra 30 minutes being a holiday but not too bad. Unfortunately there is no way off Long Island without a major highway.

Do you live in NYC?

# Posted: 31 May 2021 07:05pm

No blower, sadly. Probably wouldn't want to go any faster anyway, with manual steering, drum brakes and stick shift it's a handful.

Only insurance is the 300 gallon tank is full and I run the pump regularly. But now that you mention it, I (and other cabiners) should T off my water tank to a high volume pump and a hose that will encircle the cabin.

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