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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Time for a smaller home
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# Posted: 6 Mar 2021 10:33am

Part of our retirement plan is to build a smaller home. This summer. Beautiful wife n me have been busy checking out all the cool new stuff for homes. Times have changed. Especially kitchen stuff. I used to make custom cabinets so I was in tune with the latest stuff at the time. But some really innovative stuff out there.
Will be adding in any components that deal with solar eventually. Any that should be built in ?
Energy efficiency will be a driver. Ak can get chilly.
I had to build the house we are currently in after ours burned in a forest fire. So I had to move fast to get my family into a home before winter. Kinda nice to have a bit of time to plan.

# Posted: 6 Mar 2021 02:24pm - Edited by: gcrank1

I dont know how it would work in Ak but if I was building new here in Wi Id be doing the passive solar south exposure with lots of mass with the heavy 'sun wall', maybe 6ish' feet in from the windows, soaking up whatever it could and the woodstove on the backside of it for space heating as well as using that wall as a heat sink. Heavy concrete floor between the windows and sun wall too.
Earth bermed, no stairs, and grid tied. Id not live long enough now to have a solar-elec system pay for itself but I would likely orient the structure properly to fit an array anyway.....Ive been known to change my mind.

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