# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 05:03pm
Sigh, Have you ever had a weekend at the cabin that made you think that everything that could go wrong would??? Yup, that was our Easter long weekend up here in BC:)
So getting there was our normal "trip" which is always it was by proxy uneventful! got on the ferry, off the ferry, in the water taxi, off the water taxi and onto the beach with all of our stuff. The inlet was at high tide so we weren't waist deep in the drink! Not a bad start!
Went up to get the quad but the Quad wouldn't start....okey dokey. So we rode bessie down to the beach (1982 half time give away at the BC Lions game GMC Sierra Classic) and picked up our stuff and rode up. As we were unloading we parked Bessie in the middle of our property next to the "little house" (this is an important fact:)
We unloaded, turned on the propane, hung our new clear tarp over the front deck (pretty spiffy looking, bright and great for the BC April Showers) and got unpacked. We were pretty proud at how uneventful this trip up was with 2 city folk, 1 lab and 2 young boys!
So at 4 when the tide was going out we all piled into the truck to find out what was caught in the tidal pool to bring home for dinner (easy foraging for night 1 at the cabin:) Tried to start bessie and nothing. key just went round and round in the ignition. So where does that leave us....ummmm with the worlds biggest lawn ornament, cause if the key does not engage, it stays in park so we couldn't even push it out of the way!
We are not of the mechanically inclined, we have no stores let alone garages!! Spent the entire day trying to sort it out. My hubby is great working on quads and motorcycles, but with cars.....not really his thing.
We decided by 6 that we would never again bring a truck into the bush if only the truck fairy would come and take her away. well, no fairy, but a neighbor wandered over to see what the issue was and offered to buy the truck from us. We told him it was his for free if he would make it just go away! Thank god!!!! lawn ornament will hopefully be gone by the next time we were back up and we would learn the lesson to stick to things we know how to fix in the bush!!
Moving on the next am we started the old genny up to finish the cedar siding on the solar lean to shed. Started up like a charm, a few chuggs and away she went....until we started the circular saw. Then she started backfiring like she had a meal of beans and stalled. This went on for over an hour while my husband repeatedly started her while uttering words that you can only imagine while threatening her to drag her out to the bush and beat her before he left her. So the siding project never got finished:)
We dragged out the quad and pulled her apart and found the problem, hole in gas tank, but of course, no stores to fix the problem, so made a list for the next time of what we needed.
Tried to use the iPOD and it too refused to work. What was going on in this world??? just up a quit.
Finally we gave up on anything mechanical and the boys took out a row boat and caught an awesome rainbow trout....hmmm, maybe it was gas conservation week and the world was sending us a memo???
In the line for the ferry on our way home, our car battery died and we missed the ferry we waiting 2 hours for and had to wait another 2 hours with 2 cranky boys (3 if you count the husband) and one smelly dog while the BC ferry folks got us started.
Ah the glories of life in the bush! however as soon as we were home we started planning for the next trip out:)
So the moral of our story.....if your cabin is telling you to take a week off of working and enjoy, listen to it, cause if you don't no telling what the cabin gods will break!