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# Posted: 30 Oct 2013 10:26am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
It goes to the ARRL, then its submitted electronically to the FCC. I think a new license, its a little slower, ie new application. When my 11 yr old grandson did his genral upgrade, he took his test on Saturday and his license was upgraded by Tuesday. It takes one more day for it to show up on the ARRL website and 2 days after its on the FCC website to show up on QRZ.
Keep us posted. Where you located (QTH in ham speak) 
Enough hams in here, we can have our own "cabin-net" on frequency 
# Posted: 30 Oct 2013 10:38am - Edited by: Dillio187
My home is north of St. Paul about 18 miles, my cabin is about 100 miles north of there, just a little south of Owen and trollbridge's places. Once Uncle Sam gets me a call (and I get a real antenna) I'd love to try a cabin net.
# Posted: 31 Oct 2013 09:29am - Edited by: Dillio187
looks like the FCC was working late last night, as I got my call!
# Posted: 31 Oct 2013 02:44pm
Quoting: Dillio187 I got my call!
And its KM9xxx??
What is it???
# Posted: 31 Oct 2013 04:34pm - Edited by: Dillio187
K D 0 W Z W, what's yours?
# Posted: 31 Oct 2013 08:56pm
I have a QSL card in the mail for you tomorrow. 
Have them made up at http://www.cheapqsls.com
Expect it mid next week. Do you have an HF rig set up yet?
# Posted: 31 Oct 2013 09:46pm
I ordered some supplies to make a real antenna, that 1622 isn't going to cut it. I have a Kenwood TS-530S, old school hybrid HF rig. I might get an FT-817 or something to bring up to the cabin.
# Posted: 31 Oct 2013 10:14pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Get the Yaesu FT857D, https://www.hamcity.com/store/pc/FT-857D-+-YSK-857-p1153.htm
then the G5RV dipole (10-80 meters) made by Radiowavz called the G5RV-LITE, http://www.hamradio.com/detail.cfm?pid=D1-002677
great antenna, gets out like gangbusters. MFJ makes a real nice compact power supply that will run any 100 watt HF rig called the Mighty Lite. http://www.hamradio.com/detail.cfm?pid=H0-001135
Grab some RG8X coax with ends and get one of those extension cord reels from Home Depot, makes it super easy to wind up your coax.
I have an old hybrid, ie solid state, but tube amp. Its the Yaesu FT902DM. I dont ever use it. I need to peddle it. Its in great shape.
My base rig is a Icom IC-746, running the Heil microphone on a boom. Using the dipole and a GAP titan DX88 vertical. Running an Ameritron AL80B 1000 watt amplifier through an LDG auto tuner (AT-1000 Pro II), Jetstream 45 amp power supply, and a large reasdout Diawa CN801 cross needle power meter.
Conditions in the evening have been running from my QTH to yours right now. So get set up. We can have a QSL.
# Posted: 31 Oct 2013 11:21pm
an 857 or 897 is probably in my future, but I'll have to cut my teeth on the Kenwood while I gather the funds for that. I built a quarter wave ground plane antenna for the 2m/440 local stuff that seems to work pretty well bolted to my fence, I will have to put it up on the roof before the snow flies.
I really want to make my own HF antenna, I've been reading a lot about the G5RV's and variants, so I ordered a tuner, and some ladder line to build my own. I have some decent sized trees in my back yard, so I figure between them and my 3 story house I should be able to get something up in the air.
For whatever reason 40 meters seems to work real well here at night with that 1622.
# Posted: 1 Nov 2013 12:57am
Dillio187: I started with the 857 (same other then form factor to the 897) and moved up to an IC-7200 a few years later. I should have done that much earlier. If you expect to do a significant amount of HF work (maybe even some contesting) from an urban HF location, you will want more filtering then the 857 offers.
The IC-7200 is not that much more expensive and a much better radio. The only thing that is really missing is a monitor port (and IF out would have been nice)
# Posted: 1 Nov 2013 08:51am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Dillio187 K D 0 W Z W, what's yours?
Your QRZ page is up and running, now go ahead and edit it, put in all your specs. It can only be seen by other QRZ members and you must be a HAM to get access to QRZ. You can also now view other HAMS pages. Add email etc. Have you joined the ARRL yet? www.arrl.org
# Posted: 1 Nov 2013 09:27am - Edited by: Dillio187
thanks for the info basrijn. Definitely not urban, probably more like on the fringe between suburban and rural, but I'm sure the noise levels here are higher than they will be at the cabin, so the info on the filtering is good stuff.
I signed up at QRZ yesterday morning, I just need to edit stuff now, all in due time. Check on ARRL, signed up yesterday morning as well.
I'm headed up to the cabin tonight with a load of steel roofing for my porch project, but maybe we can play with the radios next week and see if we can hear each other.
# Posted: 1 Nov 2013 10:29am
Dillio, I have very little RF at home, not a real old neighborhood, no street lights, huge lots, all underground power. So it helps. I get some noise on 40 meters at times, but its been real quiet lately (suspect nothign local, just conditions, I did buy the RF locator from MFJ with directional antenna) . The bands have been excellent the last month. 40 and 80/75 meters at night are always good, but the band steretches this time of the year, ie longer distance more easterly etc. My favorite for daytime is 17 and 15 meters. 10 if its active and if 10 is running, 12 is usually good too along with 6 meters.
The small mobile I recommended was for bug out, cabin etc. But as Bass mentioned a larger radio would be better for home and cabin, just bulkier to haul around. Beware of any radio that is used. Its always crap shoot. You are going to have a blast. Welcome aboard too. 
# Posted: 1 Nov 2013 10:56am
all of the power in my neighborhood is underground as well, and no street lights within a few blocks. Who knows, maybe I'll like the Kenwood and keep it, I kind of like old school electronics like it.
# Posted: 1 Nov 2013 12:34pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech you will be ready for your general in 2 weeks max, I guarantee it....Makes it super fun and super easy... Thanks for the site. When I done my Tech, I watched a power point for a week and answered there questions, then went in and took the test.
# Posted: 1 Nov 2013 12:39pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Bevis, have you done the general test already? And are you using the www.hamtestonline.com course?
Send me an email with your call (get email from my QRZ page)
I used it for my extra class. It was 33 days from the time I signed up till the day I passed the test. Extra is super tough, but the course made it a snap.
# Posted: 1 Nov 2013 03:11pm
I used hamtestonline.com as well, I just used the free features and it was good to go.
# Posted: 2 Nov 2013 02:27pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech he cant figure it out for programming and neither can I Was told there is a yahoo group for that little radio with links to a free program to program the HT from a computer.
# Posted: 2 Nov 2013 02:30pm
I just got the hamtestonline course last night, and began using it. I'm scheduling myself for the General test at the end of the month in my area. my call is K J 4 C I Q.
# Posted: 2 Nov 2013 08:49pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Bevis I just got the hamtestonline course last night, and began using it. I'm scheduling myself for the General test at the end of the month in my area.
I got your message on my QRZ page, I seen you signed the log. If you give that program (hamtestonline.com) 1 hour a night, includes weekends, you will be ready in 2 weeks MAX with a constant passing score of around 88-92%. You can certainly go more than an hour a night. And the time you have allowed before your next test, you will be scoring 96 or better.
My 11 yr old grandson used it for his general, he only missed one question. He did better on his general than his tech test. He missed 2 on his tech test. He did it all in a months time.
This will get you all HF bands, only exception is not as much of it on the 15, 20, 40 and 80 meter band. Its not even worrying about, the extra portion of the bands is lonely anyway.
I tried to holler at Dillio last night o n 40 meters, he was copying me with an S8-S9 but had some traffic (QRM) on his end. So we will try again another day.
OK, here is my advice on the hamtestonline webpage. Do not take a practice test until you get to 75% of the mateiral completed. Just use "study" mode and periodically click on high score and note your rank. It will start out real high and you should be closer to the 600-800 area. I would try a practice test around 80% course completed. It will let you know where you are at if you click on score. And each time you hit a % of completion on the 5's, ie 5%, 10%, 15% etc. It will go quick. You can be at 30-40% in 2 nights.
Then after the 80% mark, try a practice test. It will maintain those test results, and also show you the questions you missed (all archived). And once you miss a few questions, the program will drill you on your missed questions. It does this even on missed questions in study mode. So it will work on your weak areas till you are strong in all areas. Just do not let anyone else use your program, ie dont try to share it. It will get you all screwed up as its interactive.
# Posted: 2 Nov 2013 09:56pm
I did the same thing, I whipped through the tech test in about 10 minutes, ended up getting 3 or 4 wrong. I got 2 wrong on the General test.
I could hear you great last night when I was at the cabin, now here at home there is a ton of noise that I need to figure out the source. I thought the antenna just really sucked (it probably does) but I could hear station after station after station on 40 meters last night.
# Posted: 2 Nov 2013 10:53pm
I'm at work today...for once business has been slow , so I have been studying on hamonline for 3 hours and now at 30%. Sure glad you pointed me in that direction. I tried 2 years ago to read that arrl manual, but it was useless to me. This hamoline course helps by reinforcing as you go along. I've got a local Ham operator who has been on me for a few years to get in gear and get my general.
Question... The questions they ask in the study portion, are they actual test questions or just something close to a question ?
# Posted: 3 Nov 2013 12:13pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Bevis Question... The questions they ask in the study portion, are they actual test questions or just something close to a question ?
Bevis, those are the actual test questions, word for word. The answers will be in a different order is all. The question pool changes every 5 yrs, that one is good till June of 2015, so you will be good.
OK, at 30%, you will find it gets easier and more fun as you progress. Keep on it and do not take time away. Give it an hour minimum every day, but more is always better. Then as you are waiting for your test date to arrive, use that extra time to just keep hammering it just to try to get a perfect score for your own satisfaction. You will be ready in under 2 weeks, especially if you just started and are at 30% now.
I used the ARRL book for my general, didnt know about hamtestonline at the time. But still did it in 2 weeks.
If you liked the way it works for you after you get your general upgrade, while everything is still fresh in your mind, sign up for the extra class portion. That question pool is over 700 questions, much tougher, some right angle trigonometry etc. But dont let that scare you. The hamtestonline makes it possible. And if you do nt make it in the 2 yrs they give you, you get your money back.
# Posted: 13 Nov 2013 07:52pm
I made my first HF contact today on my lunch break, a VE7 on 10 meters. My Kenwood doesn't seem to work on 10m so I used my little Yaesu FT-817ND. He said I was coming in S3 with only 5 watts, pretty neat. I tried to work the operator on the USS Iowa which is moored in Los Angeles harbor but wasn't able to get through.
# Posted: 13 Nov 2013 09:32pm
Bevis, where are you at on your hamtestonline program? I suspect you should be close to the 70%+ mark, if not, real soon then. Keep us posted on your progress. 
Nice work Dillio, especially for 5 watts. That contact is way out in the middle of nowhere.
# Posted: 20 Nov 2013 09:59pm
added a pin to Cuba on the map today.
# Posted: 22 Nov 2013 10:32am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Dillio187 added a pin to Cuba on the map today Rare, I didnt think Cuba even issued ham license, like North Korea. Maybe its a rare contact or was it a soldier in Guantanamo? Was it a digital or phone type emissions.
Nice work! 
# Posted: 22 Nov 2013 12:13pm - Edited by: Dillio187
phone on 17m. The call was CO6LC. Google says almost 1750 miles from my place to his.
I looked up the call in Google, lots of other people have talked to him too.
To date I haven't talked to anyone in the US on HF phone yet, ha ha.
# Posted: 6 Dec 2013 02:39pm - Edited by: Dillio187
things have been clicking along for me.
I traded my Kenwood TS530S for a Kenwood dual band 2M/440 radio to use at home, and picked up a Yaesu FT-857D. Great radio, made a bunch of contacts with it already.
I have a Signalink USB that I've been using for digital modes. Most of my contacts have been on PSK31 so far, I'm really enjoying the digital modes. So far I've gotten Slovenia, Cuba (3 diff ops), Guadaloupe Island (down south by Venezuala), Brazil, Canada, and lots of US stations.
I've been through 3 HF antennas already just trying stuff out. I now have a full size G5RV setup at home, about 35 feet in the air. It has since snowed and the high temp today is -1, so I don't think I'll be doing any voluntary antenna work until spring.
I brought my ladder line fed 100' dipole to the cabin and strung it up right before a big snow storm. It works great up there with a super low noise floor. Next summer I'll try something for 160m, I have all the space in the world there.
I also bought a FT-7900R for my truck, no more HT issues (it's not here yet)
I also managed to talk toyota_mdt_tech into getting a Signalink USB and giving the digital modes a try, maybe we can finally get that non-internet assisted QSO in the books soon!
I'm having a lot of fun especially now that it's brutally cold outside.
Any progress with your studies Bevis?
# Posted: 6 Dec 2013 08:21pm
The IC-7200 has a build in audio card. Works really nice, single USB for radio control and audio. Only reason to have another cable is FSK RTTY (instead off AFSK).
Do you know the PSK reporter website. A great tool to see if (and how well) you are getting out (if you have internet where you use your radio). If you use Ham Radio Deluxe you can also enable PSK reporting, for all the calls that HRD decodes, it will sent a report to the psk reporter people.
I made my first contact from the cabin last weekend. I'll be bringing some stuff to try a random length dipole next time. Got quite a bit of room as well
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