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# Posted: 11 Jul 2016 01:08am - Edited by: sloweather
Hi all,
I found this forum whilst looking for info on our glulam logs.
We built this little cabin down in our woods back in 2003. It's made of Glulam logs we ordered from Montana. They are 3 lam pine 2x8 t&g top and bottom, curved log profile outside, t&g profile on the inside.

The floor is slate pattern stamped colored concrete, and the fireplace is a solid masonry Rumford design, pink sandstone inside, random ashlar outside.

We installed Aluminum Lock shingles on the roof.
Gary O
# Posted: 11 Jul 2016 01:44am
Welcome, slo
great lookin' place
looking forward to more pics
your story (we do love a good story)
# Posted: 11 Jul 2016 12:23pm
Welcome from a fellow tiny cabin dweller! Looks great and as Gary says, bring on the pics. Cheers!
# Posted: 11 Jul 2016 02:46pm
Originally, I was going to knock some little rustic thing out of fence posts, peeler cores or lodge poles. I grew up in Illinois where Lincoln and log cabins are famous. Out here along the central California Coast, historically, it's all adobe. The local native trees, like the coast live oak and sycamores on our 10 acres, are way not straight enough for a log cabin.
Then, as most of my projects do, it grew into something more extensive and really cool. I found the Glulam log place and talked with them about it. I sent them a sketch, they sent me a quote, I sent them a check, and a gooseneck trailer showed up from Montana a few weeks later with my logs and some other stuff on it lumber for the posted corners, log cabin trim for around the outside of the windows and door, and some t&g 2x 8s for the door.
The floor was done by our concrete contractor as an experiment for color and stamping for our driveway up at the house.
I'll find a pic of the log profile later. I put a bead of acrylic caulk along the front of the outside tongue of the top of the bottom log, and then they are pilot drilled and lagged every 18 inches. I drove the lags in with an impact wrench.
The veranda posts are pressure treated fence posts I planed down to look hand peeled and then stained.
My dad, who was 77 or 78 at the time built the fireplace and chimney. I had to put a web cam down there so Mom or I could watch him remotely when he was working alone.
We researched masonry fireplaces and I bought the clay throat, damper, and firebricks to make a legit Rumford style fireplace. It's the smallest one we could make, and if you fire it up too much, will make it really warm in there.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2016 02:49pm
The coincidental thing is, I found this forum while searching for the glulam log place. Either they went out of business or lost their domain to a squatter.
And the post that Google found here was regarding making your own glu-lam logs with 3 2 xs, offsetting the center one to form the tongue (top), and groove (bottom. Had I seen that or thought of that back in '03, I might have built it that way instead. 
# Posted: 11 Jul 2016 03:05pm
Here is a pic of a couple of spare logs, They are laying flat and not quite mated up. I rotated the image so they look vertical and you can see how the milling works. Note the mating ts&gs, and the drip edge milled on the bottom outside of the upper log.

# Posted: 11 Jul 2016 03:18pm
Here's a cypress footbridge I built over the seasonal creek last year. The cypress is from trees we planted 20 years ago. The cabin is off frame to the left.

# Posted: 11 Jul 2016 09:54pm
Love your cabin and love that foot bridge! More photos please!!!
# Posted: 12 Jul 2016 05:07am
More pics of inside? More pics period? Great building and the way I wanted to go. I had to keep the shed look to a point as to not draw any unwanted attention...lol.
# Posted: 13 Jul 2016 06:05pm
OK. I'll work on pics and stuff. I'm a little under the weather, 3.5 weeks in to the seasonal virus that's going around.
Hey, y'all wanna know about my 12' satellite dish mortise and tenon gazebo project?
T'aint a cabin, but...
# Posted: 15 Jul 2016 04:04pm
OK, here are some pics...
The cabin and veranda:

The ends of the logs are lapped alternately, and the cheeks rabbetted off. 2 2x8 form the "posted corner", to cover the ends.
Hand cut and laid stone chimney:

Inside and futon:

Surplus windows:

T&G ceiling and ridge beam

# Posted: 16 Jul 2016 06:56pm
BTW, here's a game cam shot from a few years ago when we had foxes living under the slab.

Gary O
# Posted: 18 Jul 2016 11:00pm
Your cabin
Your cabin is the epitome of the term 'cabin'
It could be the picture page, intro, logo, you name it, of this or any cabin site
Thank You, slo
For giving us a glimpse
(luv the pic of the porch kits)
# Posted: 19 Jul 2016 10:40am
Thanks Gary O!
RE: the foxes. Yeah, they were cute for a while. We abandonded the woods for a couple of months to let them be. Then it started to stink from all the dead stuff they dragged under the cabin.
And, unbeknownst to us, during that time, yellow jackets made not 1 but 2 huge underground nests down there. The largest has 3 entrances and was the size of a refrigerator, once the exterminators dug it out.
I tried the ol' redneck thing of setting up a shop vac by one of the entrances, sucking up anyone trying to leave or enter.
Over 4 or 5 days, we harvested 15 lbs(!) of them, and didn't really dent their numbers.
# Posted: 22 Jul 2016 08:31am
LOVE your cabin to the max!! 
Gary O
# Posted: 25 Jul 2016 05:50am
Quoting: sloweather Tell ya what, Gary O. Rather than clutter up this forum with stuff I've posted elsewhere, I'll put up a couple of links and you can let me know if they're OK. Well, I looked (lurked?) Too many wiggly ads (eats gigs, costs me money). When you get a moment, please copy/paste here.